I love communism and to show my love of communism I will learn Russian and pretend I know what I'm talking about

>I love communism and to show my love of communism I will learn Russian and pretend I know what I'm talking about.
>I love Nazis and to show my love of Nazism I will German and pretend to be white.

Just gas these socialist assholes, already.

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Other urls found in this thread:


1) nazis
2) socialists
Shiggy diggy

>gassing socialists

>national socialist
Yup like I said commie who thinks he knows what he's talking about

based and freedompilled american

Are A*ericans the only ones that are retarded enough to unironically consider nazis to be socialist or is it common in other nations as well?

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>national socialist
I swear you commies are dumb.

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Ahh, so that’s why they supported capitalism and the rich, were supported by the middle-class and elite, oppressed the workers, used operation humming-bird to kill all their members with left-leaning views, set themselves as the ideological enemies of socialism, set getting rid of socialism as their goal and killed and put socialists into camps.

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If that's supposed to be your a-ha moment of why Nazis aren't socialist then you're the biggest retard ever.
> pretend I know what I'm talking about.
That's pretty much you.

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It's funny because both Marx and Lenin said they hate Russia and Russians and openly called them subhumans.

>Marx was slightly puzzled by this unexpected Russian enthusiasm. ‘A funny position for me’, he wrote to Engels, ‘to be functioning as the representative of young Russia! A man never knows what he may come to, or what strange fellowship he may have to submit to.’ [4] But ironical amusement was only one part, perhaps the least essential, of Marx’s reaction to Russian admiration. His mind was agitated by Russia as a social phenomenon. At the age of fifty he and Engels began to learn Russian. They watched the development of Russian literature and swallowed volume after volume of Russian statistics and sociology. Marx even intended to rewrite a portion of Das Kapital so as to base it on his Russian findings, an intention he was never able to carry out. Although amusement at some Russian eccentricities never left them, both Marx and Engels acquired a profound respect for the Russian intellectual achievement.

When did Marx say that?


>all socialism must be a progression towards communism
user I...


>oppressed the workers
They United the classes into a their one true struggle to protect the Race you literal fucking brainlet they did 10 times the job the Soviets did

>burger education

ITT: closet-commie nazis get confused and angry at their own ideology

Learning foreign languages is gay unless it's Portuguese or Arabic otherwise all you need is English like the rest of the civilized world.

>Are A*ericans the only ones that are retarded enough to unironically consider nazis to be socialist or is it common in other nations as well?
Forgive me I thought the "Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party" had some aspects of socialism tied to it. It must be a common mistake.

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>pretend I know what I'm talking about.

I challenge you to name one authentically communist country

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but they didn't just kill Communist-socialists
you mean just distract them to oppress them further? The goal of socialism is create equality, not maintain the status quo by making everyone united 'friends' - that's false consciousness.

The rich stayed rich while the poor stayed poor, what they did was the exact opposite of socialism.


>I challenge you to name one authentically communist country

Attached: Transnistria sign.jpg (1200x800, 284K)

looks like capitalism to me

How is unification based on something other than class a false conciousness?
Why does equality need to take precedence over hierarchy?
The plant owners supported the strikes of the workers in the Rhineland, what is wrong with that?

I always knew the op and co are baiting to attract spergs like me, but I am playing along for the fun of it.

First the support of the plant workers had more to do with the treaty of Versailles rather than he interests workers, but this is beside my point because my issue is with Nazis using race to distract the workers from the fact that they were oppressed so the oppression could continue to oppress them - not whenever the rich and the poor have the same interests. You seem to imply that they were socialist because they stopped the tension between classes, but the realisation of the poor that they are being oppressed in society and the creation of that tension is an important aspect of socialism.

On the very lower end of socialism, complete equality isn't even necessary as closing the gaps between the classes and improving the living conditions of the working class. Nazis may have had employment risen, but they very much kept the rich rich and the poor poor.

I'm memeing, it's a quasi mafia state that relies on agriculture and the black market. The Communism is mostly just larping for fun I'd imagine.

tfw Hitler killed Ernst Rohm for trying to institute a worker's revolution

Shut the fuck up commie scum, while the Russians and Americans were taking "socialist" government handouts in between starving, the German workers were vacationing in the Italian Riviera.
Admit it, communism and capitalism are two sides of the same coin.

k retard


Yo one time i ate a german shepards dick so yeah im basically a nazi now bounced on that boys dick for hours dunno about this commie shit brothers one Time I let my daughters share my dick and now I’m on the sex register epic win 8______}~~~~

>I always knew the op and co are baiting to attract spergs like me
Rats foiled again


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They like to pretend the Soviet Union still exists. I can appreciate that dedication to larping.

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Did the proletariat own the means of production in Nazi Germany? No they didn't, sillyboy.
Nazism is just welfare capitalism.

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