

Attached: >America.png (1511x863, 1.11M)

but you're american too

this is (unironically) based

prey to the sugar overlords for bad teeth or else

We here in Freedomland pray for obesity, you can keep your pleb bad teeth for yourselves.

Every day I wish I wasn't.

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so go back to mexico already

The mother probably just forced her child to do that for the picture. Social media moms can be pretty crazy attention whores like that.

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Oh diabetes lord, please grant me infinite obesity

same, fuck our reputation i feel like im the only sane person in this country

*pat pat* don't worry comrade, we suffer together

Until the cartels march into Mexico City and behead the government it's just as much a US puppet state as Canada

what was school like there
is american education meme accurate?

No, the schools teach everything, its just the dumbass kids who dont want to intake the knowledge.

>is american education meme accurate?
Jesus motherfucking christ, you have no idea. To be fair it does depend on what state, what school, private or public, etc. But overwhelmingly they are lower than dogshit.

Of course there's the usual meme stuff like the holocaust studies elective being mandatory to offer in every high school, inadequate studies of foreign history and geography, etc. But it gets so much worse than that. Even our own history is barely taught. Despite taking a zillion classes involving our civil war in some way, almost all my knowledge of it comes from the Ken Burns documentary. At school they taught statistics and names of people, places, and events, without really explaining the significance of any of it. They focused overwhelmingly on how evil and awful slavery supposedly was and everything else was just pushed to the side or revolved around that. Same with the Pacific War and the Cold War, despite how important those conflicts were to our history not a single class on them was mandatory or even offered. Very little was taught about our involvement in WW1, and though there was a lot of stuff on the European side of WW2 almost nothing about the actual war was focused on, it was all holocaust stuff and how evil the nazis supposedly were. Most of my WW2 knowledge as a kid came from Company of Heroes.

Math and sciences are also totally inadequate. In 6th grade, they were teaching incredibly simple concepts like median and mode by using toys and counters. It took 10 minutes to take all that shit out and another 10 to put it all away, cutting the time we actually had to learn about these concepts with this botched method in half.


Is this public schools? I go to a private school and it's nothing like this. yikes

Yes it’s public schools. I learned more from the internet in a few years than I did from K-12

Are pr*testants human?

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thanks for the reply, dang
ours are pretty bad too but without any of the guilty conscience stuff

I don't get why people care so much about nationality, you don't really get to decide it.

In college the professors can be more free with their opinions and what they say, and though what students actually learn here is more in-depth, they really go all-out with politics. One of my professors actually had an entire lecture about how "profit is not a dirty word" and that was actually a question in the final, despite it being purely opinion. In my sister's college the left-wing politics are so extreme that despite identifying as bisexual and being a borderline SJW she was complaining about how strict and awful the professors were with preaching their ideologies.

Politics aren't absent from lower education though. What I'll never get over is how my elementary school banned all christmas music to be more "inclusive". Oh but Hannukah music was still allowed, of course, banning THAT would be anti-semitic.

tl;dr American education is hyper-focused on politics from a young age at the expense of its quality.

Not gonna deny this, american parents are mostly too lazy to push their kids to do well, but then get angry at the school if their kids actually end up not doing well, so the schools adopt an "everyone must win" policy to compensate, causing grade inflation and further lowering the quality of the already stagnant education. Ultimately though, I can't blame the kids for not wanting to do well when everything is so saturated with politics.

Yes it's public schools. Private schools have their problems too but public schools, jesus.
no problem man
Not really nationality so much as lack of a community of any kind. It's common here that families move around at least once for economic reasons, often to different states, and it wreaks havoc with a kid's sense of identity since America is so big and the culture from area to area is subtly different in ways a kid will pick up on more than an adult. If not for Jow Forums I could go days without talking to a single other person.

Reminds me of when I was at my old job (machine shop) and this dude literally dropped to the ground and started screaming and crying because he had premarital sex. I'm all for people following what they believe but that was by far one of the most cringeworthy things I have ever seen.

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