Jow Forums

What is the best experience you've ever had on Jow Forums

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Being gifted a steam game on /b/ on Christmas.
I asked for FFVII when I was too poor to afford anything,
and somebody gladly sent me a copy.

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Advancing to the next level such as posts like these

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Watching anons get busted and party vanned for Project Chanology while my underage banned ass laughed eternally with my 5 Compaqs running LOIC/HOIC.
It will never be the same again.

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Def the risk threads we used to have here, used to be so fun

Dub the dew

Christmas 2014 on /b/.
Everyone was so peaceful and no one was calling each other fags or jews.
It was a nice feeing and i know i‘ll never experience it again but i‘m happy

That doesn't sound possible

it might sound stupid but i love the winter ball

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Flooding Jow Forums multiple times with no repercussion from the jannies

Some old ass thread on /b/ where some retard gave his dead pet a viking burial
Also the board merging were fun

The first time I uploaded my face here was on b and someone said I was a 9/10. Made my day because I used to think I was pretty ugly

I spent time on pol but it was boring

I haven't
I stay because I'm waiting for the moment I do

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When I have posted suwako in the cirno thread and other Suwakoposters spammed it.

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Jow Forums showed me the moe genre of anime

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You guys as a whole

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The best experience I've had *because* of Jow Forums was joining an irc channel related to a general and becoming really good friends with everyone there. I've even met up with some of them in real life and I'd consider them to be legitimate friends of mine.
The best experience *on* Jow Forums is hard. The funniest thing I've seen was some retard on Jow Forums that posted a screenshot showing he had like eight 4tb hard drives in RAID and one of them failed, so all his data was lost. The nicest thing that happened to me was that someone sent me a free game on steam because I helped them plan out a PC build.

>kerdasi amaq

Raiding Jow Forums with my Jow Forumselope homies.
Making a thread on Jow Forums and got it imptrashed to here