Hello this is my thread. Everyone is welcome to post in it!

hello this is my thread. Everyone is welcome to post in it!

Attached: helper.png (1349x695, 36K)


im tired what do

hmm hmm

Attached: PEARLUYYY.png (500x500, 154K)

Attached: 1518256860344.jpg (771x670, 45K)

alright, you've done fucked up this time australia

Attached: PEARL WE GOTTA DO SOMETHING.gif (290x207, 169K)


Except ralsei

He said everyone, so it's too late for your hopes

hi user

Attached: milhouse-d8vayq1.jpg (1024x2294, 187K)

please stop using my name.


but you're the one that's using it

yes, genius, and that's why i asked you to stop using it.

no, you don't even act real to me
seriously don't impersonate me ever

jesus christ, is this going to turn into one of those things where our girlfriend has to shoot one of us but can't tell which one is the imposter? this is all your fault.

>implying that I have a girlfriend
loler doler lies

Attached: fuckio.gif (320x320, 221K)

Yo, whaddup

Attached: Whaddup.jpg (630x630, 46K)

god you two

Attached: Twoleelas.jpg (720x576, 161K)


or how about

Attached: Everybody_do_the_flop.gif (360x202, 890K)

dear fucking lord

I'm you but improved.