Hey Guys, Elliot Rodger here

Just reminding you all that the Second Day of Retribution is coming where I kill all the Thots, Gayposters, and Romanians along with Ralsei or Mittens or whatever the fuck his name is.

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can you kill me too

i’m waiting

make it quick

what a good idea
let's kill someone on the internet even though that doesn't work.
just came to post this based langauge

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absolutely based thread
the entire nation of slovenia supports the second coming of chri--i mean elliot rodger

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Do you Gaypost, sell pictures of yourself, or are Romanian?
Glad you can accept your fate
Oh I will, when May 23rd comes.
Shut up you diaper fetishist, you’re going to die.
Thanks for the support, it’s nice.

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euroasians are masterrace. half Norwegian half flip here.

Of course. Hapas are the best.

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