Just reminding you all that the Second Day of Retribution is coming where I kill all the Thots, Gayposters, and Romanians along with Ralsei or Mittens or whatever the fuck his name is.
Hey Guys, Elliot Rodger here
Landon Thompson
Oliver Hall
Elijah Davis
can you kill me too
Logan Brown
i’m waiting
Adam Nguyen
make it quick
John Bailey
what a good idea
let's kill someone on the internet even though that doesn't work.
just came to post this based langauge
Easton Peterson
absolutely based thread
the entire nation of slovenia supports the second coming of chri--i mean elliot rodger
Blake Evans
Do you Gaypost, sell pictures of yourself, or are Romanian?
Glad you can accept your fate
Oh I will, when May 23rd comes.
Shut up you diaper fetishist, you’re going to die.
Thanks for the support, it’s nice.
David King
euroasians are masterrace. half Norwegian half flip here.
Brody Garcia
Of course. Hapas are the best.