Poland, the worst country

The only supposed achievements of this country are that they are apparently white, which is debatable, and Christian. Everything else that they claim is just made up bullshit and these fuckers even went as far as to pretend that Jesus Christ is their official king to make themselves feel better for being worthless pieces of shit.

Attached: Perfect World.png (987x701, 51K)


Blow me, bolshe

> american

Attached: Theodore_Kaczynski__1968_(re-scanned__as-is__de-bordered).jpg (3674x2502, 1.62M)

This sore faggot ameritard ashkenazi again...

Fuhrer loved us.
Unlike your sorry ass nigger states of subhuman trash.
good day

Attached: Adolf-Hitler-attending-memorial-service-of-Polish-First-Marshall-Jozef-Pilsudski-in-Berlin,-1935.jpg (1000x796, 97K)

dont say that about my wife


Go shoot up a school albino nigger

Not really true but there are a lot of sub humans in Poland. If we are so worthless how did we create the second biggest country in Europe in the 16 century?