Redpill me on NoFap. Is it legit?

Redpill me on NoFap. Is it legit?

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You will no longer put fake women on a pedestal and have more time and energy to focus on things that actually shape your life for the better

it is legit but does not grant you magic powers, just decreases your autism levels by a few points. Normies think its magic because they are barely autistic.
Still worth going a month or two without fapping, even if you are so autistic that you cum in your hands and rub the semen into your walls so the smell never goes away.

Enjoy your swollen prostate


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No. When they put me in the sanatorium I stayed 2 months NoFap because that place was disgusting and nothing really changed.

muster up some will power, throw your sack over your shoulder and try it yourself you no willed undisciplined weakling

The trick isn't just to quit fapping but to find a good woman as well.

do you know how hard it is to find a good woman these days

it's easier to find a bag of jewels in ancient arabi

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