Napoleon was a Polish Jew and he conquered all of Europe

Napoleon was a Polish Jew and he conquered all of Europe

Attached: modern day polish jew.jpg (958x1134, 307K)

he was a Corsican catholic who failed to conquer all of Europe and died in exile as a trap

historically inaccurate post

I know yours is


I know you are

your mum is ;))))

Absolute cancer

your nana is ;)

Attached: 155012365.jpg (360x203, 45K)

dumb frog
dumb vegemite devouring wh*toid

dumb bagel chomping snoutoid

dumb inbred brown snouto*d
Based and redpilled



cringelord above

all posts by pictured flag, shit

Attached: poofterland.png (3617x2533, 84K)

Attached: preuzmi.png (224x225, 4K)

Shut up Muslim degenerate
inbred brown lol

>The hand wringing stereotype incarnate

What are you even talking about shlomo?
Also nice id you got there.

Attached: Screenshot - 5_12_2019 , 11_18_47 AM.png (645x651, 593K)

cringe posts


t. shit my ass faggot

T.shit my ass faggot my dick nigger

T.shit my ass faggot my dick nigger my ass faggot

T.shit my ass faggot my dick nigger my ass faggot ok homo

T.shit my ass faggot my dick nigger my ass faggot ok homo my cunt sodomite

>The pedo apologist
>Calling anyone a sodomite
Ok disgusting sodomite.

Attached: 1552750631669.jpg (416x439, 21K)