

Attached: DespiteMakingUpOnly1PercentOfTheUSPopulation.png (738x669, 186K)

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You should stop posting this, please.

absolutely based my good sir

Attached: transpic.jpg (732x814, 166K)


Why do Jow Forumstards even give a shit? They keep flogging this talking point like they're actually accomplishing something.

Attached: Family-Guy-Peter-Rihanna-Twitter-Avatar.jpg (1252x1252, 132K)

in all honesty trying convince a bunch of brainwashed nihilistic depressed porn addicted faggots that suicide is a bad thing is kind of a lost cause
so yeah
you have a point.

it's probably a reaction to all of the trans propaganda that you see here and literally everywhere else

Of course, Jow Forumstards tend to be very selective in the data they choose to spam.


that's not a psychological journal

kinda irellent if they're outbreeding you dude
like if you procreate with someone of another race over half your genes probably will be washed out
and even more in the next generation
"racists" are just darwinistic movers with a psychological predisposition to support and procreate with people with genes similar to them
from a darwinistic stand point they are inherently superior to you
as their genes will more sucessfully replicate and be perserved then yours will.

Fags are 4 times as likely to kill themselves. This pust a smile on my face :)

Attached: 1441763966096.jpg (410x308, 79K)

>your genetic code is less preserved in mixed-race children because they look less like you

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>literally being so fucking dense that he doesnt understand the idea of common genetics
Are you really so fucking retarded that you think that race is skin deep?
upper body strenght
bone density
fucking propensity for heart disease
ALL of it has a genetic basis
and a race is nothing more and nothing less then a group of people with genes similar to yours.

B a s e d.

you're only allowing the trannies more threads in the catalog by doing this you dumb mutt

Attached: 060AAF23-91DE-4916-8A62-60833AE67810.png (498x434, 172K)

Subversive element detected.


>""""""he""""""" isn't kahanist