Why is living so tiring? It's exhausting and boring...

Why is living so tiring? It's exhausting and boring. Some people seem to find life a journey with mysteries to be uncovered and milestones to achieve. To me, living is like a task or a job, an obligation: you don't want to do it, but for some reason, you HAVE to do it.
I remember when I was a kid I never wanted to grow up, because I knew I wasn't going to be good at being an adult.
I find it interesting how living comes so naturally to people, as if they've always known, right from the start, what to do and how. Is it weird that I don't feel like this at all? It's a little bit depressing. I don't want to die, I just want to stop existing.
Does anyone else relate?

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Yes. Went through the same. Your body is worn out. Fucked up breathing, poor posture, likely bad digestion - general metabolic damage. Results in constantly disturbed emotions and inability to feel the higher and subtler ones like the sense of meaning, harmony, love and so on. You need to take care of yourself.

Just be yourself

it seems everyone has been there. on a chaotic adventure. tho some have worse adventures then others. but the thing is we all are wanderers in this great big wide world called exsisting. if u dont find what u want then u just gotta explore more.. thats what have helped me atleast


My body is worn out, but not for reasons I have control over

Life can be like that. You need to start steering it in the right direction. Ruthlessly carve out some time for yourself, even as little as 15 minutes a day. Pick one positive habit and practice it, it was breathing exercises for me. It gave me these little islands of clarity and mental energy. I used them to plan better so I wasn't as overwhelmed and gradually more and more time of day was under my control, more positive habits were formed. Took a few years but I can honestly say I'm better now than ever before. Worth a shot, you can always kill yourself later if it doesn't work.

life is shit my man, wait until you get brave enough to neck yourself or just drag on
i fucked up my first suicide attempt and i hate myself for it more than i hate anything else

That's the thing - you need clarity to plan, focus, courage and energy to execute. While you are developing these you may eventually come to a conclusion that it's fun and quite a challenge, but if not - at least you can kill yourself properly. Hope you don't, user, but it's your life and you're free.

Half of the time I feel like that, some days I feel tired of everything and others days I feel like I won't have enough time to do meaningful (to me) stuff that would make this life worth it

Because you and anyone agreeing with you on this thread are low t pansies that can't take responsibility for your life.

she cute

Go have a walkabout and get your mind right, cunt.

You sound like you think far too much. Don't allow yourself to stress about being the most perfect being possible. Just allow yourself to be your natural self. Also, don't be afraid to gravitate towards the things that make your life worth it. Find your own pleasures and passions in life, of course without losing your sense of value. Perhaps you could get involved with some sort of social group, or maybe try setting some goals for how you want your life to look now or some time in the future, that might help serve as a little bit of guidance.

Also, don't become too materialistic (look how that's turning out for us in the US) because that will only result in you losing your sense of self worth, and from what I gain from you writing this, it will multiply those feelings several times over.

>waah im op i have to live in a world where nothing is fair and i still havent come to terms with myself
fucking grow a pair you stupid fucking shit. if its so bad kill yourself

dude just dont be depressed lol

My t is high and I still think life is boring, what gives?

who else here failed life

Dude just stop being a bitch and just watch Azumanga Daioh already.


You'll only know if you failed at life when it's over.

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