Black inventions

What did the negro race invent?
I could not think of a single thing to be honest.
Help me out.

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Well as a place to start, the Egyptians were black. Africa as a whole has a pretty rich history, but you’ll only ever learn about it if you seek it out.

>egyptians were black

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The Walls of Benin City are collectively the world's largest man-made structure and were semi-destroyed by the British in 1897.[126] Fred Pearce wrote in New Scientis

>the wall of benin

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go back there

Is this cultural appropriation?

>Trying to find info
>You should try find some info user

Are you black, by any chance?


yo yo yo

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All of them yt boi.

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>What did the negro race invent?
>I could not think of a single thing to be honest.
Of course not, African history probably wasn't a major subject for someone going to school in the UK/US/AUS/anglosphere. You'd have to go research that on your own or take some elective course at University.
iirc, Africa was a much bigger player in the ancient world. Colonization and internal strife stalled progress, the effects of which are still felt today. Africa as a whole just got fucked repeatedly by the rest of the world at the worst possible moments in it's history, and it really hasn't stopped either. China is picking up where Europe left off, and exploiting labor/resources.

this also its HUGE with climate being a huge obstacle for its development. most developed regions tend to be on more northern hemishphere

White people should have remained in control in Africa.

Charles R. Drew did some cool stuff w- oh this isn't a serious question it's just race baiting

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