
Is suicide a good idea?

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Yes for you that is ;)

It's what awaits all Jow Forumsoids

It's bad for you.

It's an option...

Its unhealthy.

it is inevitable

If you're homo - yes. In other cases - no.

Why not?

Been unemployed for years at this point so I think it probably is.

Probably not all.


Indeed, especially when someone has been unemployed for years.

Er, nice I guess.

Why? Not much point to living if you will never be able to make anything of yourself.

Is it?

No I'm not.

why are you wondering?

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Don't kill youself if you're not gay, fren.

Been out of work for 4 years and I just think it's unrecoverable.

I think I probably should to be honest.

yeah but just imagine all the things you haven't been out of. doesn't sound so bad now does it?

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Does the UK give you gibs? In the US, its a few weeks of gibs for unemployed people, then you're shit out of luck if you aren't a cripple.


Why do you think all the foreigners rush here? They gib to any fucker who shows up and doesn't work.

Don't fuck it up then you're just a cripple

No it isn't. There is never an excuse to escape life just to suicide.

I've not just been out of work but out of a social life and everything. My own fault because I quit my job, stupidly. But yeah.

Yeah I get disability gibs because I was sectioned (detained in a mental hospital) due to depression and shit.

In fact the cost to the taxpayer is another reason why I should probably end myself.


Yeah I know, I was thinking jumping in front of a train because the lethality rate is high. It fucking sucks that we can't get guns over here. Not easily anyway.

Why do you think that?

I really want to know what happens after we die but on the other side im really interested how the stories in this reality end.

>I really want to know what happens after we die
Well your brain activity stops and then eventually your body will rot away.

>im really interested how the stories in this reality end
Which stories specifically?

>Which stories specifically?
WW3, Sex robots, the Trump affair, if i will ever have children,...

>Well your brain activity stops and then eventually your body will rot away.
After my DMT trip im not so sure about this anymore. You see all those crazy stuff that you couldnt imagine in your wildest dreams and you really have to ask yourself where this is coming from...

No. If you kill yourself how will you watch anime and play video games?
THINK dumbass.

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That's kinda cringe bro...

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I guess those are interesting stories.

Never done DMT but I watched a bit of that movie, Enter the Void, which has loads of DMT trips in it. It shows these hallucinations while the character is high on DMT. It's pretty cool.

>You see all those crazy stuff that you couldnt imagine in your wildest dreams and you really have to ask yourself where this is coming from...
It's just your brain reacting to chemicals. That's what I would argue.

I have no interest in anime and never will do. And while I do play video games, it's not really very productive.

>video games

shit this website is full of underage kids

it's gay



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>It's just your brain reacting to chemicals. That's what I would argue.
Exactly, it's just hallucinations, fragments of ideas that you have your brain that mix and form a new thing. Like having a lucid dream. People thinking that a DMT trip will fix their brain are fucking idiots.

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How will you smoke cigarettes and watch shitty black and white movies?
Not everything in life is meant to be productive. You should be more concerned with what makes (you) happier in life than being productive.
How will you be productive if you kys self?
They're just the 2 things easiest and trolliest to connect with people on.
Suicide is never an option unless you're R*lsei then it's a requirement.

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i'll need to break out the ol' thinking cap for this one

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I don't think so.

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I agree they're just hallucinations. I don't think the German guy was saying that DMT will fix your brain though, if you were referring to him - he was just saying that DMT made him think some spiritual ideas.

>Not everything in life is meant to be productive
Well, if we put it bluntly, the life purpose of every organism on this planet is to propagate its genes. Humans are no different. So everything you do should be in the pursuit of that goal, I guess.

True, killing oneself isn't necessarily productive, but if one thinks that there is no way that one can get to one's goals in life, then one starts to consider suicide as an option.

Just Monika

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>he was just saying that DMT made him think some spiritual ideas.

Spiritual ideas just because you see some hallucinations after taking drugs... Then you should have spiritual ideas when you have a lucid dream too. I have had a lot of lucid dreams where I feel everything and I make everything I want and talk to people, etc. Maybe DMT is a little step further on the realism of the thing but it's just an enhanced lucid dream. I don't believe in all that bullshit that is a portal to another dimension where you talk with aliens or whatever. You can believe that if that makes you happy but I think is bullshit.

Fair enough but I respect the German guy's opinion. Maybe if I did DMT I would think it was pretty profound too. But yeah, as it is, I only believe in materialism, I guess.