If you can kill a celebrity

Who would you choose? miley Cyrus is going out first. Shes a filthy piece of shit, she just wrote a song about Abortion and she says" im evil im nasty, im a witch". Shes a satanic whore who needs to be shot, how about yall?

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Pick one

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Billie Eilish because she's fucking awful and I'm tired of hearing about her and seeing her.


No niggers allowed on this thread

The guillotine for them all.

>Miley Cyrus
OP is really gay.

The hydra only grows stronger if you remove a single head. The entire beast must be destroyed to have any effect.

Im a girl

zoomer detected.

That is factually incorrect. Talk to any normie who isn't redpilled.

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Glownigger or media kike fishing for a story?

Idk, maybe Meryl Streep, but it’s not really a big deal.

Yeah i was being hopeful. Hollywood is worshipped


Not OP, but y'all is southern speak. Usually comes from a good ol' boy or gal that wears their heart on their sleeve and don't take crap from no one.

You kno these witches poison our youth every single day. It is a big deal

You are right OP, but she's really ugly and douchy besides that. Thats main reason why she deserve to fuck off

I love Miley Cyrus. Russell Brand sucks and I wish he would go away, maybe not die, but just go away.

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politicel thread

you shouldn't have bumped this

Reminder that abortion IS murder

Reminder that it doesn't matter since most women receiving abortion are poor and unmarried so they shouldn't reproduce anyways. Also that most abortions occur before they are even this developed.

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Even the best human in Hollywood Keanu "I am Lonely" Reeves?Heck he is above many many people even outside hollywood.
I agree about everyone else but my boy Keanu is too pure, he just misses his late wife.