Baste or Paste?

Bant Decides My Fate!

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firing squad

Your fate is to reply to this


Do not read this post

can a nigga get a an hero


How so?

turn you to fucking paste in a woodchipper

Why so mean DubDubs?

it's what you asked for wasn't it? would you rather have your ego stroked with ten thousands dicks in your head or get it over with and off yourself, eh? it's what you ask for, and it's what you get cunt, and what i think you should get is a car running you over 1 billion times until you're nothing more than this so called "paste" you talk of

Wh*toid Anglo scum

I'm feelin' the love dawg

I'm not feelin' the love dawg

you wish, maybe only in your delusional brain due to the fact you can't get any from your real life peers, so why not bite the bullet already and get it over with early?

PinkyBong rapes toddlers and choke them to death afterwards

Coz I'm way too "Based" for that haha

This is definitely a lie! haha

I'm Vegan. I wouldn't even kill a fly! hahaha


you wish, "haha", that's only a lie you created as a way to cope, to cope with your shitty little miserable life, you know that isn't true, you know it isn't, and yet you choose to believe it because what you do know is that this is the last thing keeping you on this godforsaken earth, and what you also do know is that you're not too "based" for such things, you're just a coward, a coward who's afraid whatever's on the other side might be worse than what he has now and therefore he makes himself suffer through this seemingly eternal slog due to his fear of such things

Mom, is that you!?

I think I'm being trolled by my own mom hahaha


take the rope, wanker, wanking may just be the last thing bringing you joy in life, is that so? mindless pleasures to fulfill the void in your shitty miserable life that you're too much of a coward to be done with already

I love your flag

love is the last thing you'll need in your drag of a life, you focus on simple pleasures while seeing it all fall before your eyes and look where that got you

It's like mine, but less colorful!

simple pleasures?

Like that time I fucked your wife while you was in hospital?

like that time you "fucked your dick with your hand", for the 100,000th time, as you like to say as it makes you feel more "formal" and "elegant" in a way, doesn't it? makes you feel like you really have a place in this world, that you are someone who matters, right?

with boiling oil

Day 5 of my detox. So far been pissing a lot, a lot. I attribite that to the large consumption of water mixed with apple cider vinegar, amd that yogi detox tea. The quality of my deuces are good, but not quite the quality I'm used to, despite high consumption of veggies and fermented food products


I know, I'm practically "On-fire" user
