I hate my life

i hate my life

Attached: eipysty.jpg (240x237, 15K)

im with you, i just wana die

i wanna lay down with you and force you to pound my ass until you posses the will to live.

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Attached: smuuuuuuuuuuug.jpg (334x517, 67K)

How depressed are Finnish people really?

your call is very important to us , you are currently on a waiting list , your number is 165425, please stand by and wait for assistance


who are you quoting

I'm tempted to post about my bowel movements today, but the poop was kinda pathetic. However, did piss a lot

what shape was it

a 3 inch plop shape...still ovular but kinda flaky. not my better works considering how much veggies I'm eating daily