How are y'all doing?
How are y'all doing?
i bet theres porn of him
i mean theres porn of my OC getting sucked off by playtime so i dont know.
I'm doing pretty good thanks for asking faggot
Glad to hear bud. Do much today?
im not joking.
heres a drawing a lad made of my OC
and heres another bit of porn of my OC
weird world we live in
I was supposed to go fishing today at my grandparents house but things have a way of falling through
What a wild, wild world.
So besides inspiring porn how are you?
Darn. You enjoy fishing? And don't worry lad i'm sure you'll get to fish later.
im pretty alright, just came back from an arcade place, how about you?
Oh rad! Play some fun games? You know I wonder if the arcade is still open in my town.
I'm doing good thanks for asking, basically been chilling today.
i mostly just played some awkward space invaders game that was 2 players, had a friend join me, it was a pretty big blast but eh, the hit detection was pretty off once they were going fast enough.
Hey at least you had some fun. That's all that matters.
>You enjoy fishing?
yes but I don't enjoy sitting around in the humid heat not catching anything and that's what it probably would have been if I went
yeah, have you been able to play any games lately?
damn sorry man, it's hella hot out this year.
Yeah been playing fallout 76 a lot recently.
damn, im glad you are able to get past the bugs.
you got steam?
I waited about a year to pick it up and now it's actually good. Been playing for about the past 2 months maybe. Only real problems have been small visual glitches and crashes with the new game mode.
yeah I got one.
>it's hella hot out this year.
yes and it's only going to get hotter my pale ass wasn't made for this weather
Evening Fags.
But why the KitKat OP? You know all based PinkyBongs are Vegan?
my name's african assassinator.
on steam, the period is included for the name.
same here bud. like it reached 93 out there with 85% humility.
I knew what it was like to be ice cream when i was mowing the lawn.
Not a fan or the kot kit?
pretty good, trying to finish some homework so I can play vidya
how've you been bumstead?
Want me to friend you eh?
Good luck on the hamwork lad!
I'm doing good, might make dinner sometime.
This thread is pure cringe!!!!
It's like realizing you are in a "Gay Bar" by mistake!
thanks, its pretty difficult
nice - what are you gonna make?
Lol. Hope you're having a good one lad.
just toast a hoagie. Will be hella yum.
I just can't wait for summer to end so I can actually go outside with out dying man I really envy my ancestors they got to live in comfy forests and cold tundras
that does sound tasty
alright back to hw before I get too distracted - have a good evening
Same here my dude. I wish summer was cooler so i'd have to time to do the stuff I want and not 12 bottles of water ready.
Good luck man
>wish summer was cooler
I wish it was cloudy and cold all year round but I suppose then all the plants and animals would die and then there would be nothing to eat
could be cozy though.
I summon Normie. I'mma call him a nerd.
yeah, id be up for friends lol
lerl I'll do it later. Currently not at my computer.