Daily reminder that nukes are FAKE

>There never was any "weapons of mass destruction".
>There is no "Samson protocol".
>There is no justification for war with Iran.
>Goverments do not possess the power to destroy the whole world with the press of a button.
>Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed, the japanese weren't allowed to speak of the event with fear of being arrested/killed in the years following the war.

If you believe in nukes you are bluepilled and this is yet another revelation that exposes yet another layer of the jewish deception that we've been fed.


This is an Owen Benjamin clp (I think he's controlled opposition but legit rant nonetheless)

Fake mushroom cloud editing:

Here is a detailed blog by an engineer:

Attached: 5296534-1280_936338912-nuclear-bomb-detonation.jpg (1280x720, 85K)

>Japan was immediately sealed off from the world by US military occupation 1945/52; no japanese citizens could travel abroad; no foreigners could visit Japan or Hiroshima and Nagasaki in particular; all journalists visiting Japan were controlled by US military authorities.

>Japanese towns 1945 were mainly wood/paper/straw, one or two floors structures with a life of 20/30 years and regularly rebuilt unless destroyed in frequent, accidental fires. Only banks and insurance companies buildings were made of concrete and stone.

>There is no legal and medical evidence for any nuclear victims anywhere. No records in Japan can confirm that 100 000+ of Japanese disappeared 6-9 August 1945 due to atomic bomb attacks or that another 100 000+ died the following months due to radioactive radiation. Only atomic bomb museums full of lies produced by propaganda experts suggest it. And of course annual memorial ceremonies, much like the holohoax that we all know was another jewish lie.

>The US spends $42 billion per year on nukes ($1.2T from 2017-2046)

Daily reminder to take your meds.

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Picture of Tokyo (left) and Hiroshima (right). Both were firebombed

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Nuclear power plants don't work on the same principle as nuclear weapons. Nuke plants are basically just steam generators that use radioactive decay for heat.

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The Norwegian Nobel Committee decided to award the Nobel 2017 Peace Prize to the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons, ICAN.
It was confusingly justified by:
"We live in a world where the risk of nuclear weapons being used is greater than it has been for a long time."
Ever heard of ICAN? It is an NGO run by a dumb 35 year old woman bomb believer - Beatrice Fihn rom an office at Geneva, Switzerland. It is financed by the CIA and the FSB.

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Here is a fake pic from ICANs website

Attached: fakenukepic.png (1893x991, 3.97M)

This is from the city of Hiroshimas website:
>"The radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki today is on a par with the extremely low levels of background radiation (natural radioactivity) present anywhere on Earth. It has no effect on human bodies. ... Most of those exposed to direct radiation within a one-kilometer radius died. Residual radiation was emitted later."

Attached: city.png (700x465, 508K)

The official explanation is that the radiation rained or blew away.