>be me
>unbanned finally
all i did was spam the n word. is that a crime?
i killed a thread for this
Be me
Good onya cobba
thankee yankee
based brucie
Are Australians quite possible, undoubtedly, and most definitely, the most based nation to exist?
I think they might just be
>all i did was spam the n word. is that a crime?
no, just unoriginal.
u mad
sometimes i just want to relax and have fun without having to think, user
i support, wholehearted, your right to spam NIGGER in this country anonymous
maybe if they weren't coons they wouldn't be niggers
not really, just ashamed of the quality of your shitposts.
fair enough
stop being fuckwits.
this is r/banter, what else is there to do?
Stupid nigger
imagine living in Oceania lmaoing at your life
Yes, yes they are
Fuck off leaf
So many Austriafags
based aussie