What is his endgame?
What is his endgame?
Other urls found in this thread:
Being an annoying attention seeker
Go away kog
to graduate middle school
Being the biggest faggot
Is she a frogposter or a cirnoposter ally?
Literally worse than Fagmark, KOG, happy days poster, JPOP threads, and anything else you could think of
His art isn't even funny and he crossboards to jp
Proof: warosu.org
He always takes off his name, but this one time he forgot to and was exposed as the tripcode-less tripfag he is.
I see him alot in jp
This is the best post about me so far.
Fuck off cross boarder
Yeah, but all those people are only pretending to be retarded for internet brownie points.
You actually ARE a retard. You're the only fag who actually made hundreds of terrible art pieces. You actually think you're worth something, yet you're the most worthless filth this board has even seen. To put it in wrestling terms, you are getting X-Pac heat and need to go away.
And this is my target
To create the most fucked up gore that everyone could shit themselves.
fuck off schizo
Unoriginal piece of shit
My art isn't funny for you?
And it wasn't meant to be funny at all.
More like a 7th grader's autistic scribbles
He has none, he just wants to be hateful and ensure that the level of discourse never gets raised.
So what you're saying is that he's an archonic, loosh-sucking faggot vampire who's so broken inside that his only pleasure in life is masturbating to his Kindergarten-level drawings?
I wouldn't know about the masturbation, but sure.
Cirnoniggers mad
This shit cant get anyworse
You respond alot with pictures
They get worse each time
Then make the better ones retard.
Im not gonna draw for you
Then keep your mouth shut.
No I think we'll just keep talking crap about your horrible drawings, your lack of life, and your empty shell of an existence day in and day out on this board until you pull a Kagari and leave forever
No im not gunna shut it
If you don't like my drawings then why not make your own ones?
I will drink the last drop of blood out of you and when I will see it's enough I might stop.
I wonder if AOF is related to this faggot. Anonymous of France was an Australia who moved to France and was said to have moved to England later.
Saying you're drink the last drop of blood out of me is like a random bat coming out of a cave trying to bite Count Dracula.
You're simply outclassed kiddo.
Stop bitching about people
No, I don't know him.
What the fuck kind of picture is that to relate your answer
Yeah this guy has some kind of fetish
Anyway, what caused you to make thread about me?
Does I shoved my fist up your ass so far that you managed to take a shit?
Димa. Ecли ты coбpaлcя зaпocтить хyйню, тo ocтaвь этo пoлe пycтым.
Этo тpeд пpo мeня и я дoлжeн пocтить cвoю хyйню.
He's honestly the worst poster on this board which is weird since nobody ever talks about him. IIt's like people are ignoring him hoping he'll just go away but people need to realize this faggot isn't going to go away until we do to him what we did to Kagari.
discord thread
What did you did to Kagari?
True one time i said art sucks and he got pissed and then he spammed the shit out his drawings
That's all these people can do is spam, spam, spam. They never produce anything of value and fill everything up with empty trash. It's a reflection of who they are inside.
It gets to the point where its not even funny
It's not meant to be funny. I'm not kidding when I say he "broken". The guy is LITERALLY BROKEN.
>empty trash
Did you even bother looking at his art?
Thats deep
Шизик yжe нe cтapaeтcя, cpёт в oткpытyю