Just shaved my balls

Just shaved my balls.
Oh, that feeling of freshness, that feeling of freedom, tfw no cum will entangle with all these jungle, staining them all over and forcing me to wash my entire groin in the shower afterwards.

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post proof?


youll feel much better when you shave your butt

Nice nines, but nope.

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your balls smell gay

only monkeys don't shave

please so I can imagine sucking on them

you can pretend I am a cute girl if that makes you feel better


Shaving butte is much harder, but I'll give it a try someday just to see how good it will feel.
I don't think so, user.
Even though they look much younger and smoother without all these hair, they are definitely not as smooth and silky like your typical femboi's.

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I don't mind I will still compliment you and tell you that you are amazing as you are if you post them

use nair

B-but I don't even have anything to take a decent picture of them with!
So that's impossible, sorry. You'll just have to imagine.

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¥tfw fully shaved
do not

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why not

I wanna eat user butt or balls

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Maybe you can teach that other guy to shave his fucking pubes holy shit it’s terrible

>tfw no bf

Are they feminine balls?
If so, post them.

Lions, elephants, whales and antelope all shave because they are sophisticated.
Only monkeys don't shave.

I want to eat user butterballs.

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