Folks who say tattoos are for stupid people are generally middle-management aspirational...

Folks who say tattoos are for stupid people are generally middle-management aspirational, ass kissing sycophants who'd throw their coworkers under the bus to get ahead in their middle class, deadend occupation.
They assume everyone who is heavily tattooed is either a tattooist or mired in unemployment. I must admit I do love getting followed around stores by security personnel who earn considerably less while the "tattoos are for stupid people crowd" presume their mental and professional superiority. The type of person who says things like "what will they look like when you're older?" As if they've planned out their life for that pinnacle of being aged and incapable yet will ironically end up eating a shotgun in their late 50s with spiralling credit debt on account of trying to keep up with the Jones's.

Attached: EDF7D565-3D07-40C3-9B46-2E0FD49095F9.jpg (1080x1080, 155K)

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itt: timmy mad he wrote on his skin

tattoos for anything other than militaristic purposes is extremely faggy and anyone that has them deserves to have their skull caved in

Attached: GCmartini.webm (400x400, 1.87M)

>coop the thread
You are a degenerate get over it.

Had a friend whose little sister used to draw this specific little flower all the time. She died to a drunk driver at around 8 years old, and she ended up getting the thing tattooed on her. But the cases of something like that are one for every hundred basic white girls wearing yoga pants getting angel wings tattooed on their backs.

Tattooed bitches dont deserve any kind of respect. Filthy cimdumpsters for niggers. Disgusting.

Who would want a drug addled dropout to permanently carve cartoons into their skin with a needle?

Attached: 1556314798958.jpg (577x553, 38K)


Tattooed girls are insecure and easy to manipulate