>be me
>work at Subway sandwich canceroid company
>be at break eating my poison
>hear a commotion from behind me
>some lady who looks to be a boomer age arguing with my co-worker friend
>"I didn't like it, it doesn't taste right"
>friend catches my eyes with a pleading look since she has other customers to serve
>oh shit here we go again
>cut my break short
>"hello what seems to be the problem here"
>"ah I don't like this sandwich"
>"ok?" "What is the problem though?"
>"I didn't like it"
>she keeps standing there and I know where this is going
>"Uh yes I see, you didn't like it but what should I do about this?"
>"Well I want a refund of course"
>I look what is in front of her on the counter
>bag of opened half-eaten crisps, half-eaten sandwich, hallf-drank cup drink
Wagie stories thread
>"Well you have eaten half or more of the products m'am
>She seems to get angrier, she is aware that I am not some limp dick cuck who is afraid of his boss
>"I didn't like it, it didn't taste like in other subways where I have eaten the same sandwich"
>"I see, however every Subway has a different owners, managers and food preparation procedures, the food is always going to taste different in different shops.
>She jumps another level up in the terms of being triggered and I can see her gritting her teeth
>"yes but I didn't like it and I want a refund"
>I'm sorry m'am but you have eaten a significant portion of the products which were fresh and prepared in a correct way this shop operates in.
>At this point she is visibly angry and tries to force me to give her a refund.
>" I have not eaten even a bit of crisps so you can't cash me for that!"
>I can see they are at 30-40% eaten and confront her saying I can bring a weight to check
>She is visibly surprised that she is even challenged but doubles down on her claim
>weigh unopened pack 0.10
>weigh her pack 0.7
>"yeah that was all air, you cannot cash me for that, also the food didn't look like in the picture"
>at this point I am tired of her shit and ask if she has ever received a picture perfect meal in any of the fast food restaurants be it McDonald's, KFC etc.
>She scoffs and says that every time she receives food that looks like in the picture and I voice my extreme "X to doubt"
>She looks at me for a second and says "I don't like your attitude"
>Since manager is absent me and my friend are acting manager which I am delighted to inform her about
>"Sorry but I am not allowed to give any contacts out to customers" which is true and my boss nor manager give a shit about stuff like this
>At this point she is fuming and TAKING MY PICTURE
>"Lady, the store does not allow any photography or recording inside"
>She ignores me at visibly scoffing at me which is hilarious
>she takes photo of the link on the door which doesn't mean jack shit
>she basically runs out of the store in rage
Man, I hate working but sometimes there are funny moments in there. Unluckily my female co-worker gave her half of the money she spent to make her fuck off. Too bad it didn't work since I wasted my break to get this waste of breath out of the store.
i didn't read the post but the saudi burger foxe
>international random
yeah no
God, are all female boomer bongs like this?
Fuck off retard. It's better we get one of these people than faggots, trannies or Jow Forumscucks
mostly yes, the even are angry that "the bathroom is disgustang"
Not my fault, your fellow boomers and blacks make it like this. I'm not cleaning that shit
Most of boomers around here are quite the opposite, rather polite and nice towards everyone. Especially fast food workers. Basically, we mostly have the wholesome boomers.