Ten years ago, Earth was invaded by an alien race now known as "Arume". They arrived abruptly and crushed humanity just as quickly, before releasing a series of bioengineered lifeforms on earth in order to prepare it for colonisation, throwing Earth's population into anarchy... A decade has passed since then, and life has returned to something vaguely resembling normalcy for humanity, or what little of it remains. Forced to flee to inhospitable areas to keep away from the ever expanding alien ecosystem and whatever foul creatures live in it, humanity is now reduced to living in gigantic city-states built on and under mountains. However, the Arume are on the move again, dispatching massive armies of vat-grown soldiers, genetically altered to breathe earth's atmosphere, and releasing deadlier bioengineered creatures into earth for reasons unknown.
Last thread, you'd just stepped into a hallway in order to figure out how the rooms were distributed in the fat fuck's house. After a few seconds of wandering from room to room, peering into each of them, your searching was interrupted by the sound of barking and a voice berating the weird girl upstairs. "The hell were you thinking, bringing the dog up here! The damn mutt's getting mud all over the place! "
>A fucking dog >Clean the lounge or something, avoid going upstairs for now but keep listening if the guy keeps shouting
Joseph Morales
>Last post "very well. good day." >head back out and grab my hat on the way 97 You make your way out of the casino with ease, managing to avoid calling any attention to yourself despite just effortlessly fucking a bouncer's shit up. Outside of the casino, there's... A whole bunch of absolutely fucking nothing, only a few shady characters making their way through the streets just like earlier.
>Yes, a fucking dog. You head towards the lounge - The rich motherfucker appears to have a taste for Middle Eastern- style decorations, with persian carpets covering the floor and the smell of Sandalwood smoke drifting in the air. The yelling upstairs fades out and it's replaced by a single whimper right before the sound of a set of feet hurriedly moving downstairs.
wake up see OP outside walk up to """"""""him"""""""""""""" bash my fist in """"""""""his""""""""""" temple curbstomp """"""""""him""""""""""
Oliver Phillips
>Keep cleaning and eying up the room >Act like I didn't hear the shouting
Jacob Moore
13 You begin making your way back home on foot (I'm assuming in slow motion, too). However, the labyrinthine corridors and covered streets that make up the lower areas of the city have managed to make you disoriented, and you can tell you're heading deeper and deeper into the slums with every step. The air feels humid and it fucking reeks.
Hola, Honduras. ¿Como estás, maricón?
56 For all the fancy shit scattered all around the room, there seems to be nothing particularly easy to carry without being noticed - A single one of the pillows would probably be worth as much as Thomas' """house""", but it'd probably be hard to sell, let alone sneak out. You make some progress in removing the dust from the carpeted flooring, but it's rather annoying to do so without first switching the furniture around. However, you spot a single hidden flicker of bright metal- an elaborate figurine of solid gold, hidden in the back of one of the pieces of furniture.