Freindly reminder

Freindly reminder.
Tomorrow is America's birthday. Prepare your anuses accordingly.

Attached: ut3r7p6t_400x400.jpg (302x302, 24K)

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Can I join in celebrating you based Americans with dukeposting tomorrow?

Attached: 1554852042493.png (335x273, 132K)

Summoning Dukeposter as well.

Fuck. Yes.
Slave to the state cope.

Attached: 20190411113422_glitch.jpg (800x800, 271K)

The us and France are historically bros, so yes.

You are an harassment to america


>why yes I'm not European,how can you tell?

Attached: sketch-1561119171378.png (800x1280, 162K)

Fuck yeah.

Attached: 1523677224690.jpg (640x623, 65K)