When Thanos snapped half of the universe did he snap half the cells in every macro organism's body or what...

When Thanos snapped half of the universe did he snap half the cells in every macro organism's body or what. Did he snap half the microbiome inside every animals body .

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no dumbass

What doth life

Why not

He snapped half of your tranny mom penis


based Pole

Which half

he snapped half of all of your chromosomes

I don't think the gauntlet is like a monkey's paw, I imagine it understood thanos wish and intention. did animals die too? I can't remember.

also based

I do that every day to create sperm.
But did it snap half the plant life because if it did then a lot of animals would by starvation too. If he snapped half of the humans the world would become total anarchy and millions more would die . Parasites would get snapped by 75% because the hosts would die . Global warming would get out of control because all the plants stopped absorbing co2. Endangered species will go extinct because of inbreeding. It just seems like a bad time

wasn't the whole idea that intelligent life and its unchecked grown was destroying itself and nature?

I never watched it lol I thought it was all life. Even if it was intelligent life it would still cause complete caos and unrest . And lead to countless more deaths just from the complete collapse of society


does the gauntlet consider unborn fetuses alive or not?
what would happen if a pregnant woman got snapped but not her kid? would it just plop to the ground?
what about Siamese twins? are the considered two people or one organism? and where exactly would it draw the line for what part belongs to whom and therefore gets turned to dust or not?
and most importantly if he was worried about people running out of resource why not just use it to make more instead of committing mass genocide?

there's a little girl gamora in it

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Yeah wtf why not just give people the ability to make resources

that happens in the movie. a fetus drops on the ground writhing and then thanos stomps on it

part of it is that not just their resources deplete but their culture and morals degenerate as well, the society becomes decadent. its pretty based and redpilled honestly.

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That's pretty cringe bro

so the only cure is taking them down a peg to where they have to struggle again. also check my 1776 digits.

He could just make their culture not degrade lol

there's no fun in that. also there's a scene where thanos kills gamoras planet and its pretty dope

now that you mention it. I remember hearing somewhere that he wants to fug death whom is a grill. so he literally just murders half of all sentient life in the universe just to get some pussy
doesn't that sorta kinda make the movie pro life propaganda?
was there any kind of outrage about this?

all the characters clap and then tony says "hey i thought we defunded planned parenthood!" and then winks at the camera

I'm calling bull

The best part was when Thanos looked me dead in the eye, said my full name, address, and social security number, then asked all people of color to leave the theater.
Yeah but when Thanos called Black Panther the N-word the crowd boo-ed and some black guy stood up and yelled “DAMN WHAT THE FUCK” and a few people stormed out of the theatre. I never knew Thanos was racist but overall it was a good movie.

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moshi moshi?

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