The Great Jow Forums Migration

So, has anybody ever thought of naming this phenomena, not to mention organising it..?
I want to ask (You), as an honest user, if you had a possibility to move half of the diminishing population of Jow Forums into a different virtual space, where would it be and why? Do you think something like this is even possible?

>"It’s time we moved onto greener pastures."
~ user no.8327164

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I'm holding on until either the culprits behind Jow Forums's decline are nuked or the board is

itt discordniggers discussing their heavenly board culture of metafaggotry and forced memes

how about you migrate back where you came from

we should all migrate to my ass faggot

post ass


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We have been doing this ever since board's creation, yet where has it led us to? The only reward we could get were peaceful days between self-raids and the few non-entertaining dramas.
Today's state of catalogue has never been sorry, not even during the frog overtake that practically silenced this place with 50 threads of frogs for a few days. At least it was a one, spectacular autist, but this - this is madness.

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Has never been so sorry*

Ch0d id checked

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