Any other south africans that are on.
Pic unrelated ^^
Any other south africans that are on
Connor Flores
Leo Long
over here
Luke Fisher
eyyy what part u from
Robert Wright
Haw are you guys doing over there? Is it getting worse?
Daniel Diaz
with what, theres alot of things getting worse around here
, also i dont use this alot , ive forgotton how to reply
Nicholas Thompson
Never mind found it again, also nice dubs
Wyatt Sullivan
With race relations and land appropriation.
Ryder Morris
no they're all dead
Andrew Torres
awe boys wat sê die mense als
Jaxson Morales
Well i dont want to say it has gotten any worse, from all the farm murders going on and politicians, saying racist things every 2nd day i think it couldnt get much worse. The Land issue still seems to be up in the air, i've heard stories that it will only be land that is owned but is vacant or unused but no one believes that will be the case