>Bronies, this is your mindset
Bronies, this is your mindset
onions pone = sone
REMINDER: 102 days left until you pieces of shit finally fucking die forever.
Wait, nevermind, it looks like China is going through with leaking the rest of the last season early.
That means you only have ONE (1) month left until your demise.
And even if you're planning on toughing it out until October, good luck on trying to navigate the Internet without coming across any spoilers between then and when the finale is SUPPOSED to air.
shut up mlpfag
No more white ponies
i dont get it
I hate to break it to you Canacuck, but there is a movie on the way, EQG and GEN 5.
The ride never ends.
>I hate to break it to you Canacuck, but there is a movie on the way and GEN 5.
Those won't come for a while, and how many of the fans that came for G4, not for the earlier gens, and are still around after all these years, are going to latch onto G5, especially since it's gonna be quite different from the shit they once ate? Not that many.
DHX has already wrapped up production on that, and Boulder isn't working on any of that either. Eat shit.
How come you know so much about MLP? Are you a Brony?