Russian women fucking love black and brown men. All the hottest blonde girls in Nizhniy Novgorod fuck exclusively with Caucasians (in Russia "Caucasians" refers to Arabs and other middle eastern looking muzzies, not "whites" like it does in the West), Central Asians, gooks and exchange students from Africa. Majority of Russian women hate and despise Russian men. I walk to a Russian girl and she's like "eww you're Russian". As of 2019 there are more Russian women married to Caucasians, Central Asians and Turks than to Russian men. Recent dating statistics have shown that as much as 70% of Russian women actively exclude Russian men. 70%. That is astonishing. No other race of women is doing that to their own men.
Russian women in the USA are famous for having kids with niggers and spics. Russian women in Europe are famous for having kids with Turks and Arabs. Also millions of them fly to countries like Turkey and UAE to have sex with Ahmeds, who work in hotels. 5 million Russian tourists visit Turkey every year. Majority of them are women.
Do women in your country behave the same way?