Unironically kahanism is the correct ideology for israel

unironically kahanism is the correct ideology for israel

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absolutely redpilled i will exempt you from the amerimutt genocide when the day comes


the only correct thing for israel and this planet is traditional romanian value upholdism

cringe post

traditional romanian values are sinful satanic constructs designed to distract us from the evils of the world

that doesn't exist
kahanism more like gayanism

Extremely cringe

kahanists will rise up in israel with the support of me and will topple the current government and expel all non-jews. this is a fact.

Based Jew speaking truth to power.

i will rip your throat off

traditional romanian values are the only thing keeping this world together, while kahanism is a proxy anglo ideology designed to make the f*reigner slaves fight each other for the pleasure of the americunts and shitish, pleaasure, as in hedonistic, yet another evil of the world kahanists wish to unknowingly uphold

Satanic lies

>this is a fact
and that's a gay fact. keep dreaming
you can't do that
because it is a threat. and threats do not work against a kitty god

traditional romanian values? more like traditional retardation values

traditional romanian values were designed to topple the torah world to have the jewish people forget the teaching of the lord and to stop german reparations for the holocaust these values were instilled in them by the dark lord himself


i will come to your house in yonkers, ny and bite your balls until you pass out


i only live hours away from you yonkers. do not test me.

traditional romanian values are the lifeforce of this world, without them this planet would fall into chaos, but what you said is true in fact, kraut reparations to the kikes must be halted as they are material possessions which is hedonistic and halts the ascensions of all based romanians and great warriors out there since it makes us forget the good in this world and the jewish teachings of the lord are yet another proxy anglo ideology which undermine

traditional romanian values are the engine that is keeping hell alive this world would be a triumph without them and german reparations must never be halted as they serve a purpose in fact they serve an extremely important one and that is to show and scare the goyim from testing our faith in the power of the lord again the germans have lost their war epically all due to the wrath of the lord and everyone must know that including your "based" romanian brethren

No you won't.
You are trying to test bait on me.
Your threats still don't work on me.
*test test test test test*
There! I tested you!

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you dare question my willingness to kill in the name of the lord this is your greatest mistake thus far my friend your end is nearing and will be coming to you in 5 days 5 days is all you fuckingh ave and if you will ever think of continuing to disregard the lord and his wisdom i will kill every last resident of yonkers

*yawn* I know this is bait and lies. You can't really do any shit to me, or anyone on this bitch of an earth.

if the dark forces depended on traditional romanian values to stay alive, then how come the anglos, the minions of the hell lords, always wish to break them apart? that is correct, trv are the only thing keeping this world in place, and kraut reparations must be ceased immedeatly as they are incredibly decadent and only serve to have more materials to stick up the anus, not to mention no one would ever fear a slave, especially a slave to the anglos

ive had it with your mischief and blasphemy im on my way over to yonkers right now and i will make your death so painful not even satan will be able to torture you more

dude your romanian dream house is not real
stop thinking about trying to be based romania, rica
More bait. Wow, so original.
Also I can't die. I'm a kitty god and I am immortal.

the anglos are irrelevant they are apes they are primates they are dust they are flies but you you disgust me you serve the dark lord and dare deny it how many sins will you commit you swine g*rmoid reparations will never cease as this is the will of the lord and if you dare suggest that the lord is weak willed you will find yourself very soon lying within a grave

cant talk to you im on the airplane

absolutely redpilled i will exempt you from the amerimutt genocide when the day comes my dick nigger
poo poo romania

yeah but i still don't live in that shithole you call "yonkers". i live in my own world, and the undertale world.

anglos irrelevant? of course, the anglos are always more covert than they seem they are, you are not only a slave to them, but an unknowing slave at that, and possibly every other f*reigner in this world as well, it is most undermining that they'd do such a thing, but worry not, i, the based romania, will save this world from the anglo scum, deny the holocaust, rev up the gas chambers and end german reparations once and for all

you beast you rascal the jewish people have not been slaves to anyone ever since the ancient egyptians and those who wish to enslave us must look back at history and see the fate of those who have the wrath of the lord stroke upon the egyptians and will strike upon you if you will ever ever deny the holocaust, rev up the gas chambers and end german reparations

that history is all fake, it's been rewritten by the anglos and the real version lost to time, +++they+++ want you to believe you're free, when in reality, you're just pawns in their game, the game of not allowing me to uphold traditional romanian values and end german reparations

you are lying and i know that the lord recounts these tales to ass every year at passover and we do not forget im glad to be a pawn to the lord but you are a pawn to satan and german reparations i will say it again will never be ended and if an attempt will be made to end it the lord will strike with all of his divine power to eliminate they who ignore his words

okay real talk why do i always use ass instead of us and us instead of ass

shut the fuck up
none of your bullshit is real
if anything that is real, it's traditional american value upholdism. and i bet it's way better than your upholdism of faggotry

the german reparations stand in the way of traditional romanian values, ending them is my will, and my will always becomes reality, just as the anglos dying off and romanian global hegemony will become reality as well, and all enemies of based romania, like you, being crucified

Israel should nuke r*mania

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you have no will you are a puppet of the dark lord and you cant see it what you believe to be your will is the will of the dark lord and the dark lord never and i say never has his will become reality
