Gay gay go away, don't come back another day, you are gay and we wont play, just fuck off right back to /a/

Gay gay go away, don't come back another day, you are gay and we wont play, just fuck off right back to /a/

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Korbo Korbo
go away
nobody cares about your ways
gooooo a2waayyyyyy


You moron, you buffon don't you dare call me korbo ever again, or else

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ashleyfag go away
i will not let you trigger me again
korbo korbo korboooooo
korbo korbo korbo
korbo chan
korbo gang!
yayayayayaya knorrororo KORBOOOOOOO!!!!!

You fucking moron, now you deserve this mega dab, in all it's glory

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Calm down Jackson.........

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Newfaggot lmao

i thought you were gonna shoot me (even though i can't die)
I'm calm for now but I do not want to talk to you again.

no such thing as a newfag
people living how they wanna liveeee


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Because... I don't want to.

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But why don't you want to?

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I just told you why. I don't want to fucking talk to you, not even after that triggering.

But there must be a reason for it besides not wanting to, so why is it?

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Now this is a good post

I dd-don't fucucucking f-f-f-feel like it. Now stop -a-a-aasking, p-pl-please....eee....

Discord thread sage and hide

Come on, there must be a reason. I fancy myself a very kind person, now why would you not like to talk with me?

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discord thread

i dd-d-don't DON'T don't want to waste my time and bb-b-b-bee unccocococomfortableelelee...

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Well then you could just stop replying if you don't feel comfortable, but you keep carrying on the conversation despite not wanting it. I wonder why............

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aa-a-a-re you-y-you oOAOOKOKAYYYYYY