This is a very gay thread

This is a very gay thread
Serb user can join once hes acknowledge his feelings towards crucification user

Attached: 47045417_p8_master1200.jpg (693x563, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:


go back to attention whoring on /b/

How can you be gay if you're female(male)?

Attached: 29a26a87-823d-44ee-90db-6797401ab8b4.png (900x1092, 820K)

Don't think about it

Attached: 3efd248b5e8ab1ee461e8d825e650fdb.jpg (1200x671, 99K)

There really isn't anything gay about this thread then

Attached: ddc6ff9f59225c3246b1134e85479ac5.jpg (725x1100, 240K)

That's why i must post gay pics

Attached: 27be50890b3a00e06dc592350572fed7.jpg (600x893, 79K)

Bro hugs aren't gay.

Attached: yy.png (720x1280, 1.05M)

Nothing gay at all

Attached: 20190116_103923.jpg (715x511, 185K)

Okay that's ghei and sinful.

Way too naughty for me.

Attached: IMG_20190616_160730.jpg (1566x1580, 281K)