F not C

Jow Forums is a FARENHEIT board

Attached: 66a.jpg (680x680, 32K)

but I like the clesius

Attached: 1559644071180.png (567x447, 292K)

inferior burger units

Attached: guts hmph.jpg (176x229, 22K)

Jow Forums is not a knowyourmeme filename board and you are thereby expelled from our community

fuck fuck fuck i accidently didn't recycle and now she's in front of my door and won't go away
what the fuck do i do?

Attached: 1559034450304.gif (289x289, 48K)

cack mail

Michael Moore loving homo.

>Jow Forums is a Fahrenheit board
>uses pic of person from country that uses Celsius

Attached: 10c.jpg (300x300, 29K)

84 at 730PM AMA

whats 84 in Celsius?


shit that is hot

I agree
Blow it out your ass

Attached: A5124434-D772-484E-9EBF-7B52D152D392.jpg (1280x768, 224K)

Isn't the morning leader guy British?

very observant post my fellow leader reader

Attached: morning leader.png (471x470, 507K)

Celsius is comfy

30°c right now

ugh know your meme filename

Celsius is better

Attached: images (3).jpg (225x224, 7K)

Yeah but he’s thoughtful and observant like all Americans.

But Europe has Fahrenheit too.

Attached: the one Fahrenheit burgers dont get.png (506x634, 565K)

Just got off the roof. Currently 33/92 AMA

are you a roofer?

Solar guy