Is it considered gay for a guy to wear black nail polish...

is it considered gay for a guy to wear black nail polish? A lot of guys into metal and other dark and heavy music sub groups paint their nails black, and I have thought about doing it but I'm worried it will make look like a homo.

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not at all
just don't forget your eyeliner and mascara

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just let your hair grow but don't wash it or wash it but grease it afterwards

> it will make look like a homo.
I wouldn't worry about that

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that's tacking it a bit to far


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oh I understand now. but why not wash it?

that's metal


Stereotype of the Metal-emo(-gay)

perhaps you couldn't say it's true kvlt



ok cool

being gender non binary is not gay . because gayness is a property of sexuality and not gender

uuuugh, a scott using my flag

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A lot of people in the metal scene are hardcore faggots, they just try really hard to deny it.

if you dont like the music then yes

i flew all that way and this is how you greet me?

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wow, you love me that much?

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>non binary

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>lot of people in the metal scene are hardcore faggots
prove it

if you're worried about looking like a homo people will smell the fear

It will make you look like a homo so don't do it if that's what you're afraid of.

Bro I look at your posts and literally see myself in high school. Please stop. You're going to regret all of this so bad in the future. You're going to cringe knowing you did this shit. How do I know?
....that's me in high school when AFI and emo were really big. Fuck I cringe so hard.

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Why were you burning a stump here, Cowboy?

But you looked good in my opinion, no homo. It's more cringey that you forgot the pretty butterflys shower curtain was in the background while you were acting all emo and badass.

None of it was good looking please dear god no. It was a cringey sad emo boi look and it fucking sucked. Eyeliner was always so hard keeping up with and all I was doing was taking sad pictures that nobody would ever see on a Myspace page with literal whos. It was fucking awful, I looked terrible and it was cringey.

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It was METAL! Except for the eyeliner, that's kinda gay. Was the eyeliner what infected you with the big gay?

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It was NOT METAL. I didn't listen to metal. I still don't listen to metal. I was an EMO and before that I was a POP PUNKER. It was a weird shift but girls at that time liked emo bois and I liked the emo girls so it just happened. I'm not going to pretend it looked good.

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>pic unrelated
Sure thing autogynephile

>cringing at your past self instead of just laughing at it

>is it considered gay for a guy to wear black nail polish
i could imagine your goofy fucking ass actually doing that too

add some mascara too you fucking faggot

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gay comment