Are Brits the trashiest Europeans?

Are Brits the trashiest Europeans?

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Without exception.

But only the working class

low class brits are like eastern europeans

Who is this and where can I donate to get her some clothes that fit?


No, they are worse


It's just northern working class they make a point to wear a little as possible in the cold.
If they were middle class or above they'd be wearing hats gloves etc.

How come german women look good and UK women look so bad and have fucked up teeth? One are saxons the other are anglo-saxons which pretty much the same.

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i doubt it

Brits won't exist in 20 years and in 9 years they lose control of their democracy to the brown ghouls. Tick tock.

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A lot of British would otherwise look decent to attractive if they lost weight. There is a reason that most internationally well-known models and actors are of some kind of British ethnic origin, mostly English, followed by Scottish, Welsh, and depending on your political stance, Irish (If we include Northern Ireland, and even the Irish of Eire, in their own right are pretty well-known).

Every country has it's trash.
At least ours is harmless.

Surely you know this from personal experience Muhammad?

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Northern man here. Went to London yesterdy. It stunk like shit everywhere and there were too many African 'languages' being spoken. Sounded like a mud/flip flop computer.
Fuck London. Northern girls are alright though desu. The south is a completely different country.

Absolutely, London is the dirtiest city I've ever been to. Dirtier than anything in México even.

Are you a fellow northerner?

How fucking dare you!
Now you have to go toe to toe with Ronnie Pickering.
I bet you are French as well.

Oi mate it's just Londonistan, the souf past that shit hole aint that bad yet!


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I will say this. Even as a Norfman who has never in his life been to London; I was pleasantly surprised with how clean London was. I even went into a Porta loo and it didn't have a drop of piss on it.
Then again I was in a nice area of London.

Fuck is that Britney Spears now?

How you enjoying Bulgaria Ahmed? On your pilgrimage to Germany from the middle i see.

Maybe not THE trashiest, but they're right up there with the Portugese and the Latvians.

Every brit female tourist who I see is a fucking ugly fat loud swine. Men are not better. Ugliest people in Europe

Who ?

I could of sworn that contest was won by the Gypsies a long time ago.

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I live close to London and never go there, now the poison of London is spreading further out as they start to develop the green belt into housing for Londoners...
who aren't even Londoners. Most of them are foreign cunts who happen to live there instead of their own lands.

Nah mate, born, raised and fled London.

Went to school with all the niggers and rag heads too mate!

12 of my class mates ended up in the SLAMMER HAHA!


Thing is, I am unironically a Norfman. (Cheshire). I'm not as Norf as it can get, but the Norf west is more Norf than south, and all the London cunts I met automatically assumed I was a scouser... Which was quite annoying. I'm more of a Norverner than any anything else and I am proud of it. Londoners can eat shit. It's a ligitimately different country. Also the accent is annoying.

we're heavily mixed in with the celts. We're mutts really.

>Are Brits the trashiest Europeans?
No, Czechs are the trashiest European women. I do like British Milfs though. I want to lick a British (English to be exact) woman's sweaty feet.

Ronnie fucking Pickering!
Thats who!

Oh shit, you mean like Watford level m8? I feel for you. If I'm being totally honest though, I was very very surprised at the amount of white people I saw in the London realm. It was pretty much 50/50 which obviously isn't good, but I was expecting it to be like 1% white.
Then again, I did only explore the Victoria area.
Is it true that us COh shit, you mean like Watford level m8? I feel for you. If I'm being totally honest though, I was very very surprised at the amount of white people I saw in the London realm. It was pretty much 50/50 which obviously isn't good, but I was expecting it to be like 1% white.
Then again, I did only explore the Victoria area.
Is it true that us Cheshire lads sound like scousers to you lot? I'm half scouser and half wool you see, but I got the look all the same. heshire lads sound like scousers to you lot? I'm half scouser and half wool you see, but I got the look all the same.

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Every nation has its trash. its more along class lines than national ones.

Absolute unit

Hellow fellow Cheshire fren. Dont know where in this fine county you are to get called scouse. Although Chester way can be a bit mersey sounding. We are literally superior to the rest of england though. Norf east is full of pakis and Barnsley. Souf are pretentious cunts and London is Africa now. Cheshire represent.

Do other European countries have an equivalent of someone like Rees-Mogg?

I don't have even the slightest bit of trouble believing you. Good on you mate for getting away from London.
If you don't mind me asking, what region are you in now? After just one day I London, I was craving the Norf west. London was fucking awful. I'm not envious of anyone who grew up there.
Good on you for escaping it m8. I've been saying for years that the Norf and the souf are different counties, but after visiting London, I truly mean it.
(why does London stink of shit? Lol)

White people commute in to work then gtfo at night.

I dream if England becoming a rural paradise again post brexit, smashing down the cities etc. But it's just a dream

Thats just because ugly fat loud swine are the only ones who want to visit america, trash attracts trash as they say ha ha wot wot.

I'm 100% anglo nord and I have perfect teeth. Blonde hair and blue eyes too.
How do you explain that, moishe?

Aw fuck lad, I've spent about 3 hours of my night arguing with a remainer. The points started to be meaninglessness and I stopped caring after a while because I was so tired from visiting (((london))). Thanks for restoring that bit of sanity to my argument bro.
God bless England. Fuck all the rest.

BTW my apologies for having to post from a phone.

They are just Europe's Americans.

the eternal anglo is real

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Yes and no. British slags are repulsive on every conceivable level. The clothes, makeup, hair and voice. Just no. Not even with a rented dick.

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I unironically find this fat ugly slut sexually attractive. What's my problem?

Look at the difference in phenotype between the specimen in OP and Germans/Scandinavians. The very fact that they look and behave differently should tell you there's a genetic distinction here.

Germans and french are bathing in shit water while the brit monkeys are ruling the land. I really like this image it.

They have a really horrible thot culture. Annoyance to everybody around them, when they are tourists, not to forget chavs. So probably some of the lowest tiers, but then again poor eastern Europeans don't travel.

Yeah, for sure

Yes, they are

She has lots of stored energy for child bearing. You're pre programmed to find that attractive.

youre a nigger, get out of pierres backyard and leave the French alone

>At least ours is harmless.
only if youre acid resistant and have a loicence for purchasing a few plastic knifes

Fairly certain America's white trash are descended from our lower class, so it would make sense for there to be a link.

Yes I agree I had more or less this idea in mind

100% French

>Are Brits the trashiest Europeans?
Define "European"

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Our low class Brits are polish. And I see a lot of polish women together with poos and pakis, disgusting

they're quite literally not part of europe.

British women seem to have looked at American thots and said to themselves "I can one up those girls" and so, here we are.

you need to read marlene schiappa : "la fellation est la spécialité des rondes". You probably know it already in your subconscious.

Fuck you coward. Your country is literally an african shithole and you did nothing

Ching chonk Chang

Mate this is a Chinese free board, piss off

No the pretentious continental slaves are

Cheshire is a pocket of poshness before you get to the norf proper. The norf is Russia tier grim full of stupid ignorant people. South is mostly posh as fuck and most civilised place in the world.

Imagine that getting on top and jumping about for more than a few mins, yeah that's right lad your proper fucked now.

It's like no one ever told them that they're actually ugly. Mix that with having a way to high of an opinion of yourself, and thus you get the british thot.

Here you have two prime examples of British peasants. Nearly all educated and civilized English people live in the south.

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You have the north and south mixed up there

But no one is worse than the bogan. No one. Not even the gypsies.

>They are just Europe's Americans.
So they're the richest, best looking, and most powerful Europeans? Oh, ok.

Baste. After Brexit, we'll annex Scotland and Wales. Can't wait!

>How come german women look good and UK women look so bad
Where are the Kraut women in Hollywood? There aren't really any. What about the Bongettes? They're everywhere, you retarded kike.
>and have fucked up teeth?
The World Dental Health Organization lists the U.K., along with Germany, as having the best oral hygiene in the world. More lies from the filthy kike. No wonder this board hates you.

Forgot pic

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IDC what they do, I just want to taste sweaty English girl feet.

You just have a bunch of circus tents hanging around? Or what?

Stop posting our brit slags!

We've haven't got enough to go round..

Meme flag fag fuck off.

At least it’s not a nigger.

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She is such an embarrassment. Wtf Harry

I don't agree.

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What about....?

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>chicken legs like a starving ethiopian

Big city Anglos are trash, eat garbage, drink for nothing but to party, work some bullshit job, die in the concrete while niggers and arabs take over land.

that is bullshit. Ever been anywhere near a Brit university?

i think it is slowly beginning to dawn on him.

Years ago i worked in a hotel in a VERY popular tourist destination. Lots of tourists from all over the world but the vast majority came from bongland, and while the middle aged and elderly were almost always nice, polite and respectful, the younger ones were absolute trash, with very few exceptions... Loud, rude, vulgar and quite often drunk. I couldn't help but ask myself if, for young bongs, travel to a foreign country and act like animals was some kind of rite of passage, a modern, corrupt version of the Grand Tour...

This woman is clearly qualified to bear many healthy babies.
On the topic at hand tho, no. Anyone from what was Yugoslavia is genetically and morally inferior

while this is true, it ain't just britain going down the plughole

>I was very very surprised at the amount of white people I saw in the London realm
The sad part is a lot of them aren't even British as well, was watching an "ask Londoners" video a while back and they didn't manage to interview one White British person in the entire video, they were all either non-white or European. Sad state honestly.

Rachel Weisz gives me a hard on like no one else.

Those are Brits since they live in your country and were brought up on your degenerate culture. Also, stop making up lies just in order to feel superior. Your women are notorious slags who will fuck anything shitskin with 2 legs.

it is said 'original' inhabitants (ie ones caesar saw) were a med rather than nordic people. celts, romans, then nordic invasions, in various waves..

Homosexual Street has a story line that has a Polish dude involved in people smuggling, they are smearing your people fella because you wont accept the immigrants. How does that make you feel?