So I was watching that Hunting ISIS on television the other night

So I was watching that Hunting ISIS on television the other night.

The show was actually making me hate the soldiers they were following around and rooting for ISIS.

At one part the dude called ISIS assholes and I was like "no, you're the fucking asshole dude" I know kinds just like you douchebags going around raping people and looking for conflict at every stop.

The absolute state of the US military is filled with these power trippers the kind who just pick fights at bars every opportunity and always gotta cause drama everywhere they go


They're those closet gay conservatives that are always emo and take everything personal and just a bummer to be around(pic related)

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I don't think you have ever been to Syria or any other nice country as a soldier to judge something like that from your civil point of view.

fucking absolutely nobody likes these people

they think they're being noble volunteering to kill people and you gotta respect them

they get off to going to war and having people worry about them

Yeah small dick syndrome has some dark consequences.

Yeah fuck off false equivalence-happy armchair moralist. People like you are just one step above those third world savages declaring holy war and going around raping and beheading people as scum. Your kind is dangerous to the integrity of the West. I bet you screech like an autist every July 4th and try to lash out at the funerals of Pearl Harbour and 9/11 victims.

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Just look at this douche with his The Punisher skull patch thinking he's some badass and everyone should fear him

>all these edgy kids shitting on men willing to do some good old wet work to stop Islamic radicalism

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whatever the cause is they tell you(lol) which they're really just cleaning the country of it's cultural heritage so they can put more hotels etc..

the fact is these types of people are douches and suck being around. nobody likes them even if they go across the sea to kill innocent people for rich folk.

Im originally from croatia. I remember brits like you showing up to our war like it was a theme park. You're just like tourists, but worse. War junkies didn't care about our cause, they were just dicklets out to prove to daddy how tough you are.

You are worse than the cetniks

That's right, let it all out. You can lash out from the inferiority complex you've been suffering throughout your entire worthless life on here because although people will laugh at you with pity, you're under complete anonymity, probably even using a proxy to hide your nationality LUL. Cry more kid. Thank goodness cucks like you and the OP are a minority, otherwise our society would collapse from the inside.

>whatever the cause is they tell you(lol) which they're really just cleaning the country of it's cultural heritage so they can put more hotels etc..
desu if a country's cultural heritage is based around a retarded cult there's nothing really wrong with cleaning it out.

I know

These "retarded cults" are the foundation of empires who built the world we live

Right, you just want more cell towers and shopping malls I get it.

You can have a retarded cult without it having to come to violent radical extremism. The idea of a caliphate, sharia and jihad are foundations of a barbaric bloodthirsty faith hell bent on domination. Not all Muslims believe in these principles anymore. While yes they're mostly western and minority Muslims the point still stands you can have your faith without the violence. The fact their religion is this old and still holding this firm to these concepts is just sad and childish. Most modernized religions expressly forbid violence in the name of their god.
This is the idea these volunteers are fighting. So shut your mouth or put a Taliban dick in and get ventilated terrorist sympathizer.

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Listen you fucking weeb, they're fighting off people who are invading their country and killing them off how is that extremism

On one side you have an allied front with substantial supplies of ammunition and rations, water etc..

on the other side you have nothing but belief and willpower and ISIS has still managed to run circles around you clowns it's pathetic.

20 fucking years in Iraq wtf have you been doing all this time but having a big party?

Seriously, you've been given military from all over the world, all the supplies you could ever want and billions of dollars and what the fuck have you done? You're still fighting villagers or what?

>they're fighting off people who are invading their country
Oh really? Sure seems like they're killing their own.
They're fighting over whether the radical interpretations of the Quran should be taken literally and to the militant extreme.
>The Taliban's ideology has been described as an "innovative form of sharia combining Pashtun tribal codes,"[264] or Pashtunwali, with radical Deobandi interpretations of Islam favored by JUI and its splinter groups. Also contributing to the mix was the militant Islamism and extremist jihadism of Osama bin Laden.
They believe in slaying those who don't believe in their way, using blatant terrorist tactics on their own and will continue doing so to their own and anyone else who refuses to accept their ideology.
It's extremest radical zealotry and I'm sure you wouldn't want to have your home be in a Taliban occupied zone. You'd be beheaded in the first week on a dirty sidewalk with a dull blade by a dune coon with a dirty shemagh on his face and a sand patina soviet AK.
I'd rather ventilate 1000000000000000000 Taliban pregnant women and children to ensure their radical ideology dies out in favor of more modern Islam.

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It's their territory you clown. They want to rule under freedom of islam and not jewish law

Thank you for showing us your true colours. Not only do you sympathise with these child rapists and beheaders, you're also disgustingly ignorant to the point whatever you spout instantly kills the brain cells of anyone unfortunate to stumble across it. Why don't you just pack your bags to Syria then? Clearly you can't stand the country that allows you to throw these fits in the comfort of your armchair without any fear of getting swatted and publically executed by the government. Fucking hypocrite.

This is the exact mindset of why the world hates the US to begin with
this world policing bullshit. because you think some other nation should live like you

you have all the answers of how society should be, right

too much fox news m8

>claims they're fighting off people who are invading
>blames jews for radical extremest Islam that spills over into other countries
>thinks they'll stop with just MENA
>ignores that they're already using insurgency to destabilize 1st world populations
>attacks in France, Germany, Australia, USA all meaningless
>all of the atrocities they commit from pedophilia to mass genocide is okay because America tried to put a stop to it
>using children as suicide bombers after brainwashing them is okay
>forcing obvious anti-egalitarian policies is conductive to progress
>attacking your own is okay so long as they're a different religion
>all of this behavior is acceptable
I can't say what will fix or improve society or MENA in general but it definitely isn't more radical Islam. More moderate Islamic stances in line with what about 80% of the modern world believes in would do more than any amounts of bullets and beheadings ever could.
You baited hard and you got what you wanted from me. A buttmad crayon eating stance on the issue of Islamic extremism.
Now fuck off with your cheap bait it was only a good snack.

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You do know the united states has committed war crimes over there and the countries like Syria and Iraq are trying to sue them, right?

If you're still awake, just to let you know. You've been trolled

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Your name is fitting.

Can you read or am i being trolled?

America, along with Saudi Arabia Turkey and Israel, funded ISIS to destabilize the middle east. But the grunts in the army are doing their best fighting this problem.

nice reddit spacing but yes these goy dogs must all die for the glory of Greater Israel

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