One pedo down the drain. Press S to spit

One pedo down the drain. Press S to spit.

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What are you talking about?

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angry virgin pedophiles getting btfo

the only btfo they understand is the one that the fellow inmates deliver

There's nothing wrong with being a pedophile

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jannies get his ass

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deleting serious discussion thread is not much of an ass blowing, shows psychological weakness

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I shit on your faces, pedophiles.

[this user has blocked you]

Wow. A pedo is calling me weak. So hurtful. How will I ever recover?

With time and solid therapy, there may be hope for all of us.

based 200 iq pedophile

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I've tried therapy, doesn't work. I'm doomed:(

Die before I get to you.

Don't try and fuck with us AnonPedo

This is Bant, we will simply destroy you

praise sick spanish pedo

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Nanana, pedos get the bullet...

You can't seriously expect to come over to my board and take over with your pedo filth user? hahaha #GameOn


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The real pinky is still in prison for that child abduction charge, nobody's buying your shit lad.

Bravo retard. I'm bullying pedos and I'm the one who reported the last pedo thread by this piece of shit.

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We never "Report" threads on Bant.

We deal with matters ourselves. If Mods decide to ban them, so be it.

Cool, cos i'm not selling it...

I'd agree with this in any other case. Pedos - no way.

Gamer girl bath water sells, why not bant boy bowel movements?

Twisted fetish, not my thing BritAnon

ReportFags can GTFO!

Make me.

I will. I'll just keep exposing you for the fucking pathetic little faggot BanTard wannabe you really are. Shouldn't take long if you keep posting your fucktarded nonce-sense haha

The game is on.


reminder that loli is not against Jow Forums rules but reporting things that don't break the rules is

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How much do you miss infinity chan one a scale of one to nonce?

Yup. I hate loli and I bully loli people, but I never did nor I ever would report it. The only case which is justified to me is when somebody either posts CP or says that there is nothing wrong with watching CP. Both are also against US law.

dubchins did nothing wrong

Oh, ok

>ReportFag Detected!

(Code 1689: Dox-Progression,Level1, FIRE)

DubChins is welcome on my Bant board.

BUT, we don't do pedo. Follow the rules, or I'll fuck you up!

Proud and standing tall. Fuck pedos and their enablers.

Good lad. Welcome to Bant fren

Henlo, fren

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OK, we have made our acquaintance, now kindly fuck off! To be extremely honest with you, you actually bore the fuck out of me you little cock sucking cuck of a gimp impersonating transvestite faggot looking two dollar whore with aids and genital warts the size of grapes you sour faced little insecure desperate for attention cunt. This is Bant, not double chinz! What did you expect coming here to our board, a fucking massage and a gin and tonic, you ridiculous shameful excuse of a human being. Fucking kill yourself, and live stream it on bant for all the mystery you have caused with your unwanted presence!!!

ahem, all pedophiles, regardless of "just thoughts" or not, deserve to be fucking hung, this goes the same with people who beat it to loli.

Good day to you too:)

Based Traditional Bant Values