Going to the protest, wish me luck

Going to the protest, wish me luck

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Good luck, don't get swatted or caught

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What protest?

they're on anti-putin protest rn

Send them to the gulag.

Good luck based Russian

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Thanks! I made it through

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>he's not a governmental troll still

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russhits get out

Uh.... comrade.....

what are you protesting?

That was a protest for the freedom of elections. They are basically trying to exclude some candidates they don't like from the polls by saying most of the signatures in their support were faked.

Navalny pls.

Hикoгдa нe coмнeвaлcя в пoтeнциaльнoм элeктopaтe Aлeкceя.

It's for the best, rusanon.
Putin knows what he is doing, have faith, for he only wants what is best for you.

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I thought I had to contribute at least something to righting a wrong. Even if that's just me walking with a protest for an hour or so.

You will walk down the streets of your town/or city and nothing will change.

Good luck fren
Be safe

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Most likely it won't, at least not immediately. But it still beats sitting at home and doing nothing. At least there is a chance other people will see that more people are protesting and join too. And hey, it did work last time with the drug possession charges.
Its not even about him per se. People just want to be able to choose. They might end up choosing him if that's what the majority wants, but at least that would be the country's choice and not something decided by the government.
Thanks, Belgium! It turned out to quite safe. There were no beating and to my knowledge nobody got arrested.

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Oh it's already done
I heard russia fucks with the vote counting tho, is that true?
And if it's true that would mean they could put people on the ballot as an empty gesture
Ergo "look I gave the people what they wanted and they still voted for me"

Post Putin's severed head on Jow Forums

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Yeah, that's true, they do it all the time. Arguably, if they actually put candidates they don't approve of on the ballot it makes it harder for them to mess with the votes. Also, retrospectively, it would have been better for them to actually put undesirable candidates on the list and save face, but at this point they cannot back down.

I see. Well good luck user I hope something good comes of it