Wait- What

Wait, is Jow Forums actually a good board? Seems like it moves slower than /b/ and Jow Forums- isn't filled with as many shills, or trap porn. Is this the best kept secret on Jow Forums right now?

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Jow Forums is a frog board

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bant is so shit, only few more days and i will leave too, there is nothing good left here, you have retards derailing every thread and no originality
*spits on bant*
i cant believe i spent so much time here, i guess i will have to accept how things turned out and move on, the bad guys won, congratulations, i hope you are happy
at this point i just wish for hordes of normies to rape this board or for Jow Forums to take this shit rather than letting it rot in this gay state
yes, i hate most of the people on bant, i cant wait for some retard to reply to me with smug anime girl and saying im mad, wow so unexpected haha
we had a nice new board but you just had to ruin it because you couldnt stay in your own fucking shithole, you are like muslims of internet
FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK i hate what this board became so much
just few more days and i will be free from this shit board

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the EPIC knowyourmeme filename

get out niggerfaggot

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Jow Forums is /chen/

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Jow Forums is actually a halfway decent board where you can get some mild entertainment and general niceposting. I would even say it has a nice community of sorts. Not sure how long it will last but I enjoy it for sure

>1 post by this id

well, here's a (you)- faggot

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this image is pure beauty

yes this is a secret comfy board. dont talk about it on other boards pls they might trash the place

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it's kind of like what /b/ was like before the ocean of porn happened

cool, I'm off to tell the guys about all the leibensraum here /s

we still have mods with the banhammer

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No this place is fucking awful and full of gay ERPers

ERPers...ewwww what the fuck. That's what discord is for

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It could be a lot worse

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Can you post the finished version of that akari akaza drawing you made

i made a thread its still up

you'll love it

I've been here since day1 and I don't think it's that great or has any real purpose but I can't leave because the rest of Jow Forums is worse and all other chans are slow or not in English.

I personally love this board. It's so stupid, but in a good way. It's like a somewhat better version of /b/ in my eyes. /b/ just has too many normalfags, plebitfags, and oldfags whining about "the old /b/" that it really makes it hard to find amusing; not to mention the thousands upon thousands of pointless porn threads. Hopefully, things stay nice and comfy on this board, and it doesn't turn in to /b/ 2.0.

discord thread

my face isnt there/10