Anyone else just saying fuck you all the way down? I don’t give a fuck bogs bring it to negative. I will fucking make it even if I have to hold my stack for years, fuck you.
Anyone else just saying fuck you all the way down? I don’t give a fuck bogs bring it to negative...
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too lazy to fuck around
eh it'll go back up again eventually
Instead of being a faggy little queer and saying fuck all i actually made a good rational call and tethered up at 8,150 now im waiting to buy lower and double my stash.
Theres the faggy approach and the manly aproach
You're an idiot.
Learn when to take profits.
Learn when to cut your losses.
HODL is the most retarded trading strategy ever conceived and will only bring you misery.
What's it like being a fag then?
Get out while you can you ass, bitcoin is going to 2k.
im in the same boat, down 60-70%, i dont give a fuck anymore, im holding till i break even/profit, even it takes years. HODL GANG
Yes, keep waiting. Thanks for holding my bags.
thank you. That meme fucked me enough. I won't be so stupid next round.
> Made a bad bet
> Losing money every day
> Refuses to cut losses
> Still falling for the HODL meme
You deserve to be poor.
don't get caught trying too hard, user
Capitulation transitioning to anger
Unless it bounces up while you sleep. Tron eos and iost are up more than usdt today btw
>Treating crytpocurrency as gambling rather than investing
This is how you don't make money.
> Thinking that buying cryptocurrency is in any way comparable to investing in stocks, bonds, real estate, or small businesses
Bear market --> margin trade with reasonable small leverage (3-9x)
bullmarket begining --> start buying up alts
it's not hard people.
Nobody likes to Margintrade, besides with low leverage you don't really make any money
And also BitMex likes to swing and play with your liq price, don't get comfy
Translation: sell the bottom already goy!
Nah, fuck you.
> I'm losing money and it's the ((their)) fault
Take responsibility for your dumb decisions. You fucked up. You got greedy, and now you're paying for it.
You only have yourself to blame.
I took my initial investment out so this is all free money. If I listened to people like you, I would have sold ANS at a loss instead of having what I have now with NEO.
Must be nice being rich.
> thinks that unrealized profit is "free money"
There's no hope for you user. Stay poor.
i'm just enjoying the fact that my sats are up 120% total, but my usd value keeps dropping. thanks obama.
yep. When I first bought I firmly believed that btc would be 500k by 2020. A bear market won't change that for me. I don't care if there is a two year long bear market. I put $300 in btc every week and have since September of last year. I will continue doing that until 2020. I just did my buy today.
don't be a pussy.
>winding tree
Well fuck I was thinking about buy req but now if this is the type of port req holders have then shit maybe it's not a smart buy.
You're actually retarded. Just keep putting fiat into GDAX $300 every week and then buy the bottom. We will be at the bottom for months you'd have to be an absolute idiot not to realize oh this is bottom.
Sorry, but you are the one who is retarded. If you know so well every time there is a bottom then why aren't you rich? "Just time the market!" people are the smallest brain idiots. Just buy LOW and sell HIGH! Wow what a fucking revelation with your wisdom everyone will get rich.
your not retarded chill out. what i am telling you to do is an investment strategy you obviously havent got to yet in your investopedia readings.
buy LOW sell HIGH
Nice 2 cents psychology retard. I can hold for 10 years without even breaking a sweat, go peddle your despair crap to your other pajeet friends.
Play all you want with the markets, you are not getting my coins retard. Also feel free to mantain the bear, every paycheck goes straight into it.
nah thats a meme just buy high sell higher works better
I had an ATH of $13k now I'm at just above $1k. HODL is indeed a meme during a bear market.
Why would you ever buy that pile of shit? Why would you own 30 fucking grand of something that is outclassed in every way by a far superior product (Omise).
should you just own both?