Jow Forums what drug can I take to induce complete depersonalisation and dissociation with minimal side effects?

Jow Forums what drug can I take to induce complete depersonalisation and dissociation with minimal side effects?

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Ketamine mostly


God this OC is excellent

I’m surprised it took this long for someone to make this

go to the woods and take a heroic dose of shrooms


>How do I completely rewire the way I percieve the world without me without experiencing side effects.

You can't,

t. former degenerate.

By side effects you mean anything but depersonalisation and dissociation?

Ketamine, and take a big dose of LSD ever 4 or 5 days for a couple months.



>it's true

how new are you


pic related

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Thank you for your replies kind sirs. Very helpful in these trying times

It's been around for months, just not posted often



you can get really good dissociation with painkillers and amps but there are side effects

40x or higher salvia you can get legally at a head shop depending on state.

Use a torch lighter and hold smoke in for 30s and you will have a good shot at full dissociation from reality.

Real answer?
Jow Forums

Bath salts

I concur. Took a LSD + Diph combo and saw the world peeling into nothing right before my eyes. It was quite intense

Unless he has a bad trip, which is likely considering the past few months. So instead of experiencing a hallucinogenic hell, he should experience happiness with some heroin.

(This post is not encouraging drug use nor do I use them. Don't do drugs, kids.)

I have derealization for 4 years now after a bad mushroom trip. It's a fucking nightmare why do you want to do that to yourself.

I was feeling suicidal yesterday until I popped a Zanny. Then everything was alllll-riiiight. Too bad it wears off

xanax makes me more depressed than usual

Ketamine + xanax is pretty much the ultimate combo for this, depending on how far you want to take it. Zannie kids are like fucking zombies and special K is total disassociation just be careful with the amounts you're taking.

I never have a bad trip unless I mix LSD with something else. Weed and LSD make for an especially bad combo.



Just do it again with a different setting, like while chilling in a meadow on a sunny day, it does wonders, complete reboot.

don't try K and acid...

I bought some ketamine from Dream Market recently. Hasn't arrived yet. Any advice on dosage or general usage?


Ketamine is the only answer to this question.

Ayahuasca you will be a non-person-entity for 6-8hrs. It's great.
Read how to brew online, all ingredients are legally obtainable, and readily available

I bought some ayahuasca but I was too afraid to try it. Thought I'd freak out and go insane or something.

I find it hard to believe there are so many K heads on this board..
haven't done it for 7 years.
psychedelic heroin if you get used to it

Pcp or dmt

Try Vagina

You'd be alright, just lay in bed with a blanket over your head somewhere safe. Don't like try to interact or be in public


you can get some memantine from a nootropic website and load up on that, that shit will last two days if you do a recreational dose

might as well throw some dxm on the fire while you're at it, head on over to the drug store and get some delsym, one giant bottle of that drank throughout the day will synergize nicely with your memantine trip

don't forget the nitrous for when you're in a lull, grab a cracker and chargers from AMZN

if you're feeling risky, there's always the dnms and k, mxe if you're really lucky... I miss that stuff ;;

fuck up your back and start lying in a very soft mattress for a year.
How do you fuck up your back? do 100 kilo squats and arch your back.
Now that you fucked up your back keep on squating, because you are the man, so you do not give two fucks about your back. fuck up your back one more time with 100 kilo's. Afterwards do multiple squats with 40 kilo's or less until you get a severe headache. The most excrusiating headache you will ever feel. It will feel like your head explodes. Afterwards get some rest than keep on going to the gym and lift weight bro, because who gives a fuck. Your rule, do not forget that. Now the pain will become a trobbing numb feeling that will eventually completely depersonalize and dissociate you. You will feel nothing anymore, everything will feel like a dream. You will lose your instincts, your intelligence and also the will to live.

Now after you have done this the healing period starts... first start of by buying a good chair (you shouldnt have done so beforehand, just sit on some shitty chair and smoke loads of weed so you do not feel the pain), so you can keep on browsing Jow Forums without dying. Also purchase a good firm matrress and start swimming. also go to fysiotherapy and get a massage now and than. You will slowly come back alive again. and when you are back alive you will feel exhilarated. God has given you a second chance of life. Now take it.

psys give me way too much fucking anxiety. i love a good trip but when I start to get anxious on traditional psys I start to get this feeling/idea that I'm being vivisected. dissos give you just as good of a trip without all of the bullshit body hallucinations. imo introverted people tend to gravitate more toward the dissos...

Dxm and Benadryl combo.

Or Dmx alone, 3rd or 4th plateau if you want to talk to spirits and aliens and feel like you are space and walk like a robot

Or Benadryl alone if you want to talk to the man who lives in your closet, watch tv shows on an unplugged tv, and be in a state where everything is red and buzzing and your hearing people talk that aren't there.


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I did weed one time and it got me a panic attack with despersonalization and now i have mental problems

cardiovascular risk management≠depersonalisation

many such cases.

At the end of the day, you have to man up and realize that it doesn't matter if you feel like a self or not, you have to live life and quit being a little bitch.

Read about anatta buddhism and gnosticism and chill.

proud of you son
>ketamine and benzos
OP didn't ask how to make his heart stop

you have to be over 18...

Dextromethorphan is amazing

I love the afterglow it gives, it's really a weird drug because it makes me say retarded stuff but at the same time I feel super spiritual

that sort of thing would be incredibly useful, though
it'd be like being able to perceive the 4th dimension, but only for a few minutes
you start making connections that would never have occurred to you otherwise

Someone make an animated version that shows the face being assembled as the chart slowly reaches its peak and then falls violently downward

LSD + weed is pretty terrible the first couple of times. Then it gets much better once you're in control. If you're familiar with neurological concepts the experience will tingle your imagination in completely indescribable ways

Phenibut. It's cheap, legal, and available online.

If you can get your hands on Diphenidine, i promise you, you will experience a perspective shift and ego death youve never felt in your entire life

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Always a great idea to extinguish your anxiety with benzos

thoughts on tripping by myself for the first time? or should i have a sitter


diphenidine is a substance of the gods

how much are you taking? you probably won't need one unless you're doing like at least 4 hits of decent acid

thinking with starting at half a tab

It really depends on how you can handle them...

Try a 2nd plateu DXM trip, it's ok for a first timer and you also have the fun to experience some slight dissociation from your body

Yeah, it's strange how it makes somewhat mundane things seem extremely significant. I feel like it brings me to the same place every time and that place is somehow more "real" than the sober world. Like the DXM mind is the default and what I will return to when I die.

Phenibut is awful but yes the withdrawal will cause intense existential crisis and depersonalization, in a very bad way. Every time I see it being discussed online people are not giving this substance the respect it deserves, it is very dangerous.

For some reason I have lots of deja-vu's while tripping on DXM. I also realized how death is inevitable for every living creature on earth and how it's just a cycle that will constantly repeat, very introspective.

But I certainly wouldn't suggest going out in public on DXM, I was at a luxury restaurant and it was weird as fuck. Too many people, too much noise, bright lights everywhere, I felt so lost because I wasn't even hungry and randomly ordered a slice of cake (it was the only thing I could have eaten) additionally I was having serious difficulties walking.

I'm sure some people thought I was handicapped when I walked to the restaurant for lunch.


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that is nothing. you will be fine with a half.

One berserker armor

Dream market is LE compromised, don't open the door if someone knocks. Pack all your important belongings so you can flee to Belize within a moment's notice.

Good luck

>implying they knock first

i had a psychotic acid trip that left me depersonalized for at least 1.5 years after.. i was never the same person after that but i dont regret it now cause it made me a lot stronger person.. also died on shrooms a few times, one trip was insanely eye opening as im sitting there with my ego dying.. after i felt pretty bliss just observing the world in my own world