Be honest

Do you guys actually believe in the technology and the idea behind cryptocurrency or do you just see it as a vehicle to get rich quickly?

Attached: 99a1a47b9c862e9a8e8bc8c3db863526--white-women-black-men.jpg (533x650, 60K)

Fuck you, nigger

Personally I'm using as a vehicle to become poor as fast as possible. It's working pretty well.

I'm using it as an alternative to sports betting.
Just put some money into a shitcoin and tada, you're emotionally invested and entertained 24/7.

99% of this shit will not exist in 3 years, but if you pick the right ones it can be that get rich quick vehicle.
Then there is the 1% of cryptos that will be here for years to come, and it's that 1% that will actually change the world.


Both. But only a very select few coins I have faith in.

Look at syscoin for example.

Decentralized webmarket. Like amazon but without middlemen. Yes please.

There's a few coins that have usecases that are absolutely groundbreaking. 99% of the coins have not.

Ban the cuck threads

dox and punish the whore lynch the chimp, destroy the op

This desu

I dident put too much money in but holy shit day trading is addictive.

Be honest, how much are they paying to post some vague crypto-related question with race bait photo multiple times a day?

Just to get some gains and it keeps me entertained.

>Do you guys actually believe in the technology and the idea behind cryptocurrency
Yes. So does any considerably intelligent person that researched and thought about use cases.

This rules out most of biz, so the general answer to your question is no. They really mostly just invest based on greater fool theory. They pretend they have faith in the tech when the market is going up due to their brainlet herd reality of "the market votes for it being valuable, so I'm going to "independently" believe it is valuable". They don't really understand shit and thus have no understanding to base any confidence on.

I believe in the technology and I think blockchain is gonna be massive - however, I think when it starts being used in real applications we won't be able to make money off it. You think google or facebook is gonna need to have an ICO? No, they'll just start implementing that shit into their products.

So, both really. Right now the entire market is speculation and 99.9% of the ICO shitcoins in circulation right now won't be around in 5 years.

>You think google or facebook is gonna need to have an ICO?
I've thought about this actually. What's stopping Google and Facebook from getting involved in crypto and launching their own coins and making billions? Are they waiting for governments to regulate it?

I wish I was getting paid. I just love triggering little polcucks like you.

t. triggered white virgin

You idiots realize OP isn't really asking anything, he just wanted to post a nigger pic to piss you off?

Actually it's both. I want to have a legitimate discussion but I also want to trigger polcucks.

>calls other people cucks
>has pics of other people making out in his hard drive
>likes watching other people making out
>the definition of cuck

>I want to have a legitimate discussion
>derailing his own thread to trigger le racists
congrats on this

So you do it for free, cuck. You're even more pathetic.

Ban this cuck shit

You reply for free too.

The fact that I've made your day just a little bit worse is payment enough for me.

Stay mad :)

Both. I would’ve never gotten into crypto had I not become an anarcho-capitalist and realized government infinite-supply censorable shitcoins need to go. But I certainly want to capitalize on that knowledge to make me rich.




It is tremendously powerful (and scary).