PowH - Mother of God

4500 ETH total,
1737 ETH today so far,
1537 ETH yesterday..

When is this shit gonna stop??

Attached: POWH.png (1368x477, 28K)

When they exit scam with all your eth
>Inb4 but mu open source contract
There is a backdoor and you are all going to lose because you are too greedy to just cash the fuck out

Don't want them faggot. It'll be funnier when that contract crashes and burns.

So basically you are punished for weak hands if you FOMO in

This legit feels like holding your crypto in some jewish bank

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I only have Jow Forums to thank for this. The last month this has been saving my ass. I was in this shit under 400 ETH. Thanks biztards. Check out flyp.me a dividend paying dex that is paying out it's quarter soon. You have to guy before the end of march. Look it up on steemit

This is the shadiest shit ever. Where the fuck did this 4K eth come from?

I wish someone was screencapping all these ponzi threads. Half of them have failed alredy

ethphoenix.io just gunna leave this here.

From everyday people

>hurr the contract can be drained
Go ahead. Drain it instead of wasting time and spreading FUD here.

what a bag. still stuck at 400 eth

I wish more people shilled it like they do this pajeet shit

I just read the code... it never actually returns any ETH when you withdraw kekekekeke
God these fags are rekt

Just to clarify, you can get your dividends out, but not your original ETH

ETH is worth pennies now desu


that's some clever FUD to get brainlets to sell and div you up, but the "kekekekeke" exposed you as a discord pajeet
P3D sucks though, anyone getting in now is betting on an extra 6k eth invested to make it

>put 1 ETH into the first iteration of powh
>lose it all
>ah fuck it, fuck these ponzis
>next powh ponzi fucking goes crazy
>inb4 you still have time

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Nigga mantso

The mistake most people made was being ignorant this time around, and not looking through the details and facts posted on the net.

I wont tell you to buy or shill you a link. What I will say is I made this mistake you made before with cryptos, being ignorant. Knew about it early but labeled it as a SCAM until everything mooned. I looked into blockchain technology and was shattered - Im a technical individual (engineer) so I was angry for not even looking at the facts and information available.

I got in around 250 ETH, put in 1 ETH, sitting on like 3.3 ETH now IF I cashed out.

Think I may stay until my value is 4 ETH, but thinking now may be nice to get out.

ITs just crazy that yesterday we were at 3200 ETH and now we're at 4600 ETH! That difference took 1.5 weeks initially to reach!

>I got in around 250 ETH, put in 1 ETH, sitting on like 3.3 ETH now IF I cashed out.
in the meantime ETH dropped from 900 to 400 USD though

When I got in at 250 ETH, the ETH price at MAX $600 USD, not $900 USD.

I do see your point but my inc in value is faster than the dec in ETH price.

not gonna stop now, I'm stacking up, most people don't know about this yet, wait until reddit fags jump on this ship and youtubers start shilling = gg

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The problem with phoenix is that the tokens cost way too much and the futures market didn't take off too well

The tokens ‘cost too much’ because they’re at a different order of magnitude in distribution. Sub-finney tokens look attractive, so you buy a lot. It’s a pretty well known marketing move, so that was well played.

PyrMex is stagnant right now because, aye, the attention is elsewhere right now. We’re focusing on PyreBirds rather than adding other things: we already managed to get a shapeshift in place, as well as a bunch of DApps based around PHX (whether you love or hate the idea). There isn’t much else we can add value wise to the base pyramid without a relaunch, which we don’t want to do.

I’m watching 3D with some curiosity, but we occupy different spaces now. It’s a bit daft to compare.

In before someone mentions the “different space” being the Ether balance.

powh.me has made me so much money in these dark times.


Attached: powh.jpg (1080x1080, 157K)

biztards should have bought sooner. now the reddit kids are all over it

Get in today - you only need the contract to go from 4,000 ETH to 16,000 ETH to double your money!

Attached: Pyramid Gain Loss Worksheet.png (2949x1926, 477K)

At this rate, how unlikely is that?

The million dollar question. We got 1900 ETH today and 1500 ETH yesterday.

PowH3D started March 05th. We didn't see 1000 ETH until March 19th approx.

We saw big FOMO from march 19 to 21 where the daily volume was literally a large % of the total ETH just like we saw past two days.

It moved sideways a bit then now we see BIG fomo again.

Honestly think this will go 10k+ AT LEAST

That's means the floor is where? 2k??
This has already gotten critical mass, it won't ever drain below 2k.

Not sure in all honesty really depends on what happens. If devs are true to their word and don't dump, 2K or more could be the floor.

Why do you say its gotten critical mass?

Near exponential growth I should say

I got in yesterday morning for 1 ETH.
I’ve been schilling my MN .
It’s a 1 month hold. See where it goes.
Honestly I have zero expectations, the eth used was for ICO’s and new entry’s.
Fuck it. 1 ETH don’t hurt.

im going to get so rich AND crash ethereum when i take all this ETH from the hiddden back door in the contract holy fuck

lol ok lemme know before you do so plawkx

is there a back door?

You guys do realize that you can't withdraw your original ETH, right...? Read the contract's "sell()" function. It never transfers out your ETH.

>You guys do realize that you can't withdraw your original ETH, right...? Read the contract's "sell()" function. It never transfers out your ETH.
true if big

Same guy same FUD


One look at the chart on PowH shows sell offers taking place.

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