We ARE the early adopters

I just got back home from having lunch with my 93 year old grandmother.

She asked what I had been up to so I told her crypto trading.

It turns out she's never even heard of it.

Normie money still hasn't even come in yet.

Attached: feelsgood.jpg (329x357, 20K)

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Bull run confirmed

Ofc we are OP, but you have to buy the right coins tho. below 1% of them are good.

good luck!

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My father just bought into btc today

no shit. When less than 1% of total global market is active in crypto it means you still have an untapped 99%. You only need another 10% or 15% to make it the most valued asset of all time.

yes user, 93 year olds are usually part of the early majority so i would say this is a good sign

Less then 1% of humans eat there own shit , that means we have so much space to improve.

99% of people see crypto as scam.

Poor argument

No OP. 8% of Americans are in crypto. 20% of college kids have crypto bought with loans (weak hands). You are basing your statement on a personal anecdote, also learn demographics. Your fucking grandmama is over 90.
> Wehmen
> Elder over 90
> Hasn't heard of crypto

No it isn't. The normies already got in when bitcoin was all the hype in the fall and guess what, they got burned hard.
Normie money left and is never coming back, we're left with musical chairs of people already in crypto trading their bags.

>20% of college kids have crypto bought with loans
Does that mean another credit crisis is looming?

Shit is abundant and everyone produces it but nobody wants it. Criptocurrencies are scarce and more people want them as they learn about them. Do the math.

The autists will take your post seriously because they know no other way, but I laughed

That would be 26 million people at least but at the peak there were only 1.1m unique btc addresses used, so I highly doubt that to be the case. Try harder faggot and post proof

Based on a poll of like 2k people....

No. The loans are Federal student loans and they can not default or declare bankruptcy with them.

>93 year old grandmother.
This is bait. People that old are out of the game.

>No OP. 8% of Americans are in crypto. 20% of college kids have crypto bought with loans (weak hands).

This has to be pure bullshit, I rarely meet anyone who's invested in crypto.

If I search through my facebook I find maybe one conversation about crypto among my friends over the last 2 years.

There is something biased about those surveys.

I remember posts on /ethtrader where people were asking if they are early adopters buying eth at $1200

>they can not default
Do you even know what default means?

If you studied statistics, then you would understand that 2000 is a fantastic sampling size.
It is a simple Google search away faggot:

Completely agree. Out of the hundreds of people I know, only three people have invested in crypto.

Well they can, but there is a slew of consequences to being delinquent. Good fucking luck with their credit score too.

>everything is overpriced 10000%
>early adopters
Biz just went full retard

These are all anecdotal I must point out. I too have do not experience the 8%. In my direct awareness in my IRL, the adoption rate feels(note:feels) like 0.25% adoption. People may be keeping the hell shut up about them, which is wise. Imo

It's like a double kek. Except it's kind of sad when you think of how hard the most mundane facets of life must be for people who can't figure out given how deliberately obvious this bait was crafted.

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There's also consequences to defaulting on your mortgage - they take your house. That didn't stop the global economy from crashing and plunging into a recession.

You're basing your reply on piss poor "surveys" by lazy reporters. The 20% of college kids was based on an online survey, that got around 2k responses, out of 25 million college kids in the US. Yeah, that's a good sample size, lol.

8% of Americans - they think. Nobody is sure, but going by that number, less than 100k people hold crypto in the US, and 4% of them own 95% of the wealth. So most US crypto holders have under 1k in them. They think. It's a bullshit number, one, because according to every article that talks about distribution, the vast majority of bitcoin wallets in the US have barely any value to them, or are dormant. So your 8% number is an attempt to obfuscate the issue - you want to make people think it's popular, when it's not.
But, I know you'll keep posting it, because you're a retarded cryptoparrot, who just shits on the floor all day and squawks "Durrr 8%! Squawk! Durrrr 20% of college kids! Squawk!" *plop plop plop*

Hardly. The retard didn't read the article he's basing that on. 2k college kids responded to an online survey, saying they used SOME college loan money to buy crypto, and they extrapolated the 20% from that 2k to the 25 million college students in the US. It's piss poor "journalism", and a complete sham. And, nobody took out a college loan and sank all of it into crypto, that's now how it works. College loans go to the school, who holds it and deducts the fees and tuition, and when everything is paid for, the student gets the rest, around 4-5k a semester, to live on. So AT BEST, 200 students spent an unknown portion of their 4-5k on crypto.

Yeah, no credit crisis. Not from this. But that retard will keep squawking it.

IIT faggots think moms and brothers are the normie money we speak of and not the institutional investors

You cryptofags move the goalposts so much, they have wheels on them.