Rangeban South Korea
Make threads autosage after a week
How to fix Jow Forums
Wyatt Reyes
Charles Morgan
>Make threads autosage after a week
Agreed. They did it on /qa/ddit so why not here
Owen Green
>how to fix Jow Forums
you can't fix it
but the autosage after a week should be implemented yes
Owen Perry
And remove the ability to delete your posts. Or at least make deleted posts still count towards bump limit.
Leo Cox
Make gayposting a bannable offense
Ryder Peterson
Also permaban all trannies
Adam Reed
Rangeban the USA, they're literally 100% of the bad posts
Alexander Bennett
just imagine...
Kayden Turner
did you forget korbo, yiffrael, and suwakopartisan exist?
Joseph Ortiz
>They did it on /qa/
Since when?
That's a step in the right direction but both trash heaps require more thorough cleansing.