Guys, I think I’ve found a little gem

Guys, I think I’ve found a little gem.
Crowdholding ( YUPIE TOKEN ) the actual Mcap is 300k USD!! listed in IDEX!
- Market cap is insanely low
- Partnership with WhalesBurg!!
- Working on the marketing campaign
- They are in talks with good exchanges.
- Oh Hey Matth spoke of this ico recently ... and said that it has tokens!

Small cap Project legit.. nice team...

10x easy... or 50x Like Payfair (another lowcap gem)

what do you think?

Attached: crowdholding.png (530x190, 14K)

The website looks good, low cap... hmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Been looking into it too. Looks good, eard first from HeyMatty, TheGobone is into it too.

A lot of potential

I like yuppie. Super low cap, good idea, good team!

Been studying it, a lot of potential and very sweet cap!

I'm in this gem. The marketCap is crazy!

Fuck off pajeet

>Jow Forums is slower than it has ever been before
>OP posts a literally who token and in not more than 4 minutes 5 """different""" people help him shill it

Yeah no, I'll pass

good idea, good team!

Embarrassing thread desu

Exactly my thoughts, nice try with this shilling retards

I've been following these guys for a while, 15k users and I see new stuff weekly.

wonderfull project, with this low cap its really an hidden gem, their team is awsome

Great project I'm going to invest


I call it the "discord pajeet shill" pattern

Attached: images (7).jpg (543x271, 13K)

Hidden Gem!

Its very easy to see that is an ALL IN project. I know that I the MOOOOOOOOOON!

good team! Moon moon!

Low cap, interesting concept, high potential.

i honestly don't even know if these faggots think they're fooling anyone