Bear market general

>What's happening?
We entered a bear market.

>What do I do?
Move all your coins in BTC

>Who will reach another ATH?
BTC guaranteed, ETH likely. Everything else is a gamble. If you don't believe it, check the top alts in the previous years. Most disappeared and this will happen again and again.

>When is the next run?
Crypto comes in hype cycles. No one knows when the next run starts, but it's highly unlikely it starts anytime soon.

>I bought at ATH what do I do?
Most people did. The majority of people buy somewhere at the top . You start paying attention to BTC when it moons, and that's also when people buy. When the dust settles, many people stick around for the next run contributing however they want.

>Did I lose most of my money?

>Is crypto a fad?
No, it's a technology that will change much of how we use technology, how we communicate, how we use money, and how we establish trust.

>Why is there no useful blockchain product?
There is: decentralized payments--the initial purpose of Bitcoin--is already a thing. You can pay others without a third party. You can transfer millions on the network without interacting a financial institution.

Secondly, anonymous payments are possible using Monero. This is another huge breakthrough, as it's the most anonymous digital payment method. In fact, Bitcoin _created_ dark net markets.

Everything else is too new. Bitcoin changed focus to expand on their value proposition, and other coins are trying other things. Everything is still very young in this space, so be patient. However, don't fall for overhyped coins. Bcash, Litecoin, Ethereum, Cardano, IOTA, Dash, Vechain, Nano, Verge, Skycoin, etc.

Take care anons

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Other urls found in this thread:

>ethereum likely to reach new ath
>ethereum is overhyped

Well which is it?

Both. It's overhyped but will likely reach new ATH. It's the face of crypto for people who think Bitcoin failed and now they're "cryptoexperts." It's the space for ICO scams. It's the memecoin with Vitalik the pop star. It's obviously overhyped, but it'll likely go back up.

Not guaranteed though, but I doubt people will smarten up before the next bull run. After the next bull run, I would be surprised if it survived

>bitcoin will reach ath
>Btc is only one that is worth it
>Everything else bar btc sucks
>Buy btc dont buy anything else
>Seriously btc created dark web, buy that

How do you core cucks cope?

This thread is stupid as fuck

Who bought polo again? Which owned start up is getting back in to crypto? What's that asian country where the funds are investing in infrastructure?

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I didn't say BTC is the only one worth it. There are other legit projects: Filecoin, Siacoin, Request, OmiseGO, Monero, Storj, etc.

Will they make you money? Is it safe to keep your money in them? No. they're overvalued as fuck for companies with no roducts. REQ and OMG are ERC20 tokens so they'll go down with ETH. Monero will get delisted from centralized exchanges. Yes, Monero is useful, but is it a safe bet? No. Siacoin is a legit project, but does it mean the price will go up to ATH? No.

BTC is crashing you moron. Anyone who's still in the green should cash out immediately.

Someone post the altcoin price development graph

No thanks

Only Bitcoin matters faggot, how do you cope with your late adoption hyped up altcoin garbage?

i spent all mine on modafinil so i can focus on writing my dissertation instead of downloading pink wojaks

>mfw still at a profit (barely)

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Get MPH user (it's not a coin)

>going to be selling all my alts at a massive loss
>stupid crypto never trusting this shit again

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>tethered months ago
>can't sleep thinking how I'm going to get BOGGED at some point.
>can't cash out at the moment

Don't worry user Tether FUD is mostly coordinated manipulation to stop people from taking their money from cryptomarkets

Bitcoin is only useful for payments because people stopped using it for payments. Lightning which is the sole method core has forced scaling into has a total of a thousand users and absolutely fuck all tied up in channels. It's BTC that is an overhyped shitcoin. If it were running as an ICO without the track record in the vision of the original Bitcoin now being executed by bitcoin cash, it would fail miserably.
The only reason it is still breathing at all is because of oldfags who don't understand or are unwilling to accept what actually happened to it, but either they'll figure it out or run out of money eventually.
The future is bitcoin cash and maybe Ethereum, as long as the technological status quo remains as is, potential Apple cart upsets on that front on include ChainLink and Nano, but both are just interesting ideas with no proven track record of execution as of yet.
The actual killer application of money requires an uncrippled battle tested chain willing to scale to the necessary throughput in the same battle tested way. This is bitcoin cash or bust, and only that killer application of money will actually bring enough momentum in the mid to long term to combat the price manipulation and suppression rampant in the btc market now. Exercise left to the reader if it was a premeditated move to destroy this use case for btc exactly so said suppression and manipulation could take place.

Post cmcs of yesteryear.

Wouldnt all alt/shit coins rise with bitcoin though?

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Definitely not. Only a select few.

Wow, I did not realize this existed.

>1 day left til futures expiration
>Release the utterly brainlet speculative fud


>3 months of downward trend
>futures "explanation" again
>still can't let it go
Sorry user. You'll do better next time!


>Cryptocurrencies are stupid
>Ok there's something in this, we'll make our own private cryptocurrency and call it blockchain
4.[to be continued...]

someone has been saying this every year since 2009 when related to cryptocurrency


I guess we're back in time right now, with respect to one year in the future.

Tether is actually garbage though. It's very possible they will NEVER be caught but I can't believe people think they're legit. It's hilariously shady.

Everyone just turns a blind eye to Tether because it's useful and we all know Bitfinex is rich asf


holy fucking lel. Coretards will hold on to their shitcoin to the grave

Somebody sticky this

>still down in sats
You're right though. Bcash is not really overhyped cause no one cares about it anymore.

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Bcash is only barely alive because bitmain hoards hundreds of thousands of coins instead of selling them. Once bitmain gets bored with bcash and stops hoarding it will crash to double digits.

>Merchants adopting it everywhere
>Literally all news is bullish
>80%+ Miner signalling for bitcoin cash
>"Nobody cares about it anymore"

The writing is on the wall, corecucks. Don't say I didn't warn you

Not a bear market, but I can see why you'd think it is

user Jow Forumsbtc is bad fo you

Why do you not think so?

>This is how the U.S. treats the Federal Reserve


what am i looking are here?

Lol just saw this

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