How much money do i need in order to get a gf?
I'm 26 years old now, all I want is to hold a cute girls hand.
How much money do i need in order to get a gf?
no money
You'll get sick of the drama eventually. Don't bother.
I got one and I’m fat and unemployed.
Well at least you know she has never taken a black dick.
you were too nice.
I hope pic is real, I would have put it on fb and tagged her. Fuck roasties
lol she wanted the dick so much but played hard to get and lost
Money wont buy you a gf....unless you count a prostitute.
Work on your social skills. Keep meeting people. Something will happen.
Oh and focus you're time and energy on yourself and not on finding a gf. That=Desperation=No Pussy
I was literally broke and almost homeless and a girl invited me to live with her in her spare bedroom.
When I moved in with all my stuff a month later she was like 40 pounds lighter and broke up with her bf.
While I was working night and day to get my life back together she was trying to seduce me and get me emotionally dependent on her and was talking about buying me a car and paying for me to train for boxing at a more expensive place and wanted to take me on vacation.
Then suddenly her former boss, twice her age, told her he was in love with her and wanted to marry her and she took off with him, leaving me with this two bedroom apartment owned by her aunt in the middle of very expensive part of town in a major city.
And both her and him made it clear that I was "a trashy, non-committed boyfriend who doesn't understand love" and I actually feel bad and guilty and fucked up in the head.
Thing is, I was so busy with my life I never put all these things together and just considered her to be my lonely female roommate the whole time.
tl;dr one poor man's trash is a rich man's treasure
And girl are crazy.
So are men.
Fuck this, I just want to make loads of money off crypto and buy a barn on some property and turn it into a refuge for lost/feral cats and make art and die happy and alone.
USA is a fucked up place.
Remove all women from the pedestal you put them on. They're just like you. Forget about how you look or how you think you act. Walk up to girls and introduce yourself. Ask questions, and answer her questions honestly. If you're into fucking anime, and she asks what you're into just say anime. Be confident in who you are. If that makes her leave who fucking cares. Move on to the next girl until you find the right one. You'll strike out a lot, but so does everyone else. Eventually you'll find someone who interests you, and then you'll be happier than all the assholes on this board calling beautiful women 4/10s.
Choose two and only two:
whoa what's up with the n word that's not cool
>And girl are crazy.
>So are men.
>Fuck this, I just want to make loads of money off crypto and buy a barn on some property and turn it into a refuge for lost/feral cats and make art and die happy and alone.
Literally my experience as well, you'll find me in the woods with my raggedy ass clothes and ridiculous vanity items I've bought with my untold millions
who even needs a gf in the times of onaholes and 4k porn/highspeed internet?
You are very intelligent and wise
$20 bucks and being willing to sacrifice your dignity by signing up for a SE Asian dating site
i wouldnt buy depreciating assets
i wish a girl would call me a nigger, I'd marry her
why don't you call the gf store and ask?
Most reddit thing i ever read
This is literally what I've been doing my whole life and it's gotten me nowhere. When you've stuck out 100% of the time in a fucking decade it's hard to believe this "eventually" bullshit.
This user anons
>unironically wanting to run a toxo/songbird killer breeding ground
Take the rsd-pill and work on self improvement
You sound like a huge fag
I am actually here as a krautchan refugee.
What's "reddit" about it?
Accepting some form of moral superiority or anything is actually really hard for me atm as I'm more interested in getting my life back together financially; literally I'm going to talk to a therapist about this whole situation on Monday. I guess that's even more "reddit."
But yeah, as you get older and more experienced, if you're smart, insightful, and particularly poor, you'll learn how the female heart works, and that's when it gets boring.
This guy who left her actually thinks he loves her, btw, and she told me her decision to move in with him was 100% financial because her aunt was going to start charging her loads of money (market value) for rent and she couldn't afford it.
Now I'm just awkwardly fucking stuck here with the lease I made her have her aunt write up for me for the purpose of my own legal records of residence.
You have no idea how weird and crazy life can get. I'm 31 years old, btw. If you're not married or engaged by now, things only get sleazier.
and fyi this guy this girl moved in with is a major political figure who is the right hand man of someone who was the right hand man of someone who was the president of the USA. Yes.
top kek it's all true. we're all just a bunch of loser nobodies playing an elaborate game to fill in the void where we'd hoped to have a happy family before 30.
I'm not white though.
Aren't Asian girls notoriously racist?
Also I feel like those websites are probably gonna be full of scammers.
If you knew this girl like I do you wouldn't want to fuck her either. I had a wonderful gf between the ages of 19-25, she was beautiful and fun to be around. This girl is dark and grim and manipulative and a sick lying fuckface. Like any woman not married yet by 30.
All I had to do was pretend to be a normie and pretend to have confidence
It's been working for 5 years, I've had several girlfriends.
Literally just pretend that you're not autistic and occasionally a girl will find you attractive enough to date/fuck
The hard part is breaking up with them. When you spend a year+ becoming codependent with another person and you both love each other but you know that your differences are such that long-term it will not work out... breaking up with them is soul-wrenching
got one and have no job prospects and pretty much broke. feels good
>Literally just pretend that you're not autistic
If you can do that, you're really not autistic. Real autistics can't just pretend to be normies successfully.
Are you overweight? Maybe it's time to hit the gym. You don't have to be the best looking guy in the room, but you can't be the worst either. If you're balding shave your head. If you're fat lose some weight. If you have a patchy beard shave it off. There are small things anyone can do to be more attractive, even if you look like a troll.
>If you blah blah blah
You just fuck her and then have her having to constantly validate herself to you and not the other way around like you're writting you homo
Actually, they can be trained to act normal. A smart one could train himself. It's literally all just acting. That's what life is.
t. mother is a special ed teacher who specializes in autistic children and I've been hearing about her students progression over the course of their lives. i remember one very specifically because he wrote me a story when he was like 7 and I was 10. by the time we were in our 20s, i was with my mom and we ran into him with his fiance. you would never guess he had autism.
She was literally validating herself to me over and over again. She's never met her father. She looked for me to approve of everything she did and it not only felt predatory (I did get an apartment out of this), but eventually annoying.
Which is why it's creepier that this 56 year old guy, who was her boss, went ahead and just basically took her. Of course before showing her his income, investments, and life insurance policy.
Now that's what I called pathetic. Also I fucked her five years ago before she went crazy.
I didn't say you had to be an autistic person to follow this tip. I said to pretend you're NOT autistic. I never said you had to be autistic to begin with.
Sure thing reddit, feel free to go back i'm sure they'll enjoy your shitty blogs
fuck you
you sound bitter
and brown
and like you have a hard time with the ladies
Not at all, nice projecting however, i just can't stand pathetic excuses of men
wtf does 'bet' mean
life isnt acting
what the fuck are you on?
you can act to attract whatever you want but in the end you radiate dishonesty. learn to love who you are and dont be afraid to show the world what you're made of. people are attracted to this kind of energy. you might get so good at acting that most people wont even be able to tell but you will be deeply unhappy portraying some weird fucking character who isnt you. dont let this ridiculous standard for social acceptance get drilled into your head by everyone else dude, its not worth the pain it causes in the end
I don't need an excuse to not want to be coerced into a physically intimate relationship with a roommate and friendly desperately looking to get married. Cornered and entrapped and made to feel helpless without her. That's the beginning of an abusive relationship and it could only ever get worse.
No thank you. I have my own life plans.
You're likely 10 years younger than me.
Yes, in life, you're either an actor or a reactor.
You go around bouncing off people like their personal toy or yoyo, enjoy being a reactor.
carmen can google it but you can't? pathetic.
Get out
>but in the end you radiate dishonesty.
Not if you act like you're being honest.
example: I'm currently losing my life savings in this bear market, but everyone around me IRL thinks I'm doing fine because I act like everything's okay
thanks bro, enjoy being a jaded empty husk of a man. im sure you got your stuff figured out that way
>I have my own life plans
Such as being a broke ass homeless mutt faggot who cannot stop blogposting about how he has to become some fat ass bitch's fuccboi to even get a home lmao
Bitcoin, Employ TA
She's made he dumped his bags on her
"I bet you had a nice time (sarcasm)"
It ain't the same
>tfw paid for escort recently
>seen her 4 times so far
>every meet better then the last
>sex is great
>worships me like a king
>gives the best blowjobs I've ever had
>it feels so real but I know it isn't
>tfw I'll never meet someone like this to wife
Shall I just kms?
Pua is the answer. Go do cold approaches and develop better social skills. Study RSD they have free yt content. If I ever get millions from my link investment, I'm not gonna hire hookers to fulfill my sexual needs. I'm gonna go out more and get out of my bubble because I will have more options and free time then. Think about it user
Girls are memes
$100 for temporary gf one hour charge. (best price)
$1,000 for 1 month.
$10,000 for one year.
shut up
uh...well you are certainly right about how we are all just a bunch of nobodies filling up our time until death gets us.
That should be free.
Good quality advice.
Nice to find something cute in this pajeet filled shit board in a while
>Aren't Asian girls notoriously racist?
Japs and Koreans are pretty racist and generally don't racemix
SEA girls will take whatever lifeboat they can to get out of their shitholes
pua is not the answer you massive pussy worshiping simp.
stop giving him shit advice that will get him in hot water with people.
#metoo and you're all hurrr go take up pua aka harassing 1000 girls with lies and bullshit so you can get your tiny winky sucked.
any male who partakes of pua is a massive pussy worshipping simp and part of the reason dating is so bullshit these days. hurrr pua aka harassment
$10,000 for 1 year is cheap as fuck
Make it $100,000
Google tells me it means 'I agree', more or less.
so the girl was pissed he agreed that they didn't click, and didn't want to take it further.
he was meant to put up a fight and chase her a bit
I found it more of a
“I bet you didn’t have a good time you stuck up little cunt.”
Wrong board faggot.
When you figure it out, let me know.
>Hey user! It was fun getting to know you, you're really cute and witty, but I don't think we have enough in common to pursue anything more. I wish you the best of luck in finding your match!
This was after the second date. Last second date I had was almost a year before, with countless firsts during the intervening period. I did not expect it would be this challenging when I started really trying.
Korean girls are easy, don't talk out your ass retard. Japs too but you usually have to speak Japanese.
you don't need any money bro
I haven't had a job since 2006 but I have a gf, yeah she's fat so what, when the lights go out all pussy is pussy
few tips
use a non tinder dating app
age 28-40
at least an bachelors degree
look for girls with pics of them in a pool, if she has a pool, she has some money
make up some story like you're not working right now, you want to go back to school
know how to cook/grill good
pound that pussy hard as fuck
and you can move in and live the NEET life off her
she works while you chill all day by the pool, even call some other hoes over
wow what a loser
neato larp user I rate it crap outta 10
Pua is a necessary step in becoming a Chad if you start out as a neet. Btw I told him to do pua for himself as self development not for girls. Get absolutely fucked nerd. stay in your mommy's basement and don't ever come out.
fuck you super simp.. I did the pua and moved on past it since it was nothing but being a annoying faggot harassing females in mass numbers til one is lame enough to give out her pussy.
so keep talking big game while we know you smash nothing but your face against the wall in life.
and adoreable assumptions I live with my parents let alone never go out. Typical low IQ pussy worshipping retort. HURRR YOU DONT WORSHIP PUSSY YOURE A LOSER THAT LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS!
If I had 1$ for every pua super simp that wrongly made that assumption cuz I dont worship pass itself around pussy i'd be alot richer than I am now and could buy up some decent coins.
run along super simp the world doesnt need more of your kind running around raising girls egos to space cuz you play stupid pathetic games called pua. Bottom line pua is for pathetic losers that cant get laid normally so they gotta use pathetic unman tactics to trick girls into giving it up. Only abominations to manhood like yourself would take it serious and suggest it to others.
But hey you use pua so I already know you're a pathetic desperate thirsty simp that raises girls ego's to space all for the almighty pass itself around pussy.
dont bother responding I dont like talking to unmen like yourself
with a name like Sergey you know he's some Slav mongoloid abomination
Those fucking cats are killing off the bird population, look up stats. Fuck em
Money has absolutely nothing to do with getting women. Don't believe the kike propaganda. The 5% of women that want you for money are shit tier. Go to rsdnation and learn pick up. Just don't let it get to your head and let the one go because you want to keep fucking a new girl every week like I did. You realise she was worth giving it all up when it's too late. Even when you win you lose mate, where's my beer.
Unironically this
just b urself
You sound like a bitter faggot with the entirely wrong set of attitudes. No wonder you had no luck with pua cause of ur shit personality. Ive moved on from my pua phase a long time ago. We're not so different in that regard. The reason why I'm advocating it is because absolute beta faggots that act like pussies around girls need to know their true nature. Instead of being a bitter faggot about it just enjoy the process. That's the idea u get it now u stupid fuck? Get absolutely destroyed x 2. Don't ever come back to my board ever again kid
That is seriously the best advice you'll ever get kid. It's not...
>hurr durr be yo self
It's love yourself and be confident af in yourself and know that yourself is the shit. Most people are confused. Someone that is 100% sure about themselves despite what anyone says is ridiculously attractive to women. If you sit there and say, yeah anime is the shit. She laughs at you. Your indifferent to her reaction. She will instantly be attracted and wonder what it is that she missed in anime. Even if your a minger.
If you say anime and then she laughs and you get insecure about it in any way this will not work. You have to continue to stand tall and be like I gaf what some roastie says (but don't get bitter to her, just don't gaf)
Implying Europeans didn't bring birds from their origin countries and then they overtook the local population
Just want to ask here something little related. Can there be something in between the autistic never talk to anyone and the annoying pua creep?
I mean I like to approach random girls when I just see them in the streets or other places. What else should I do when they appear to be at those locations instead of a club?
Not really much. Act as an alpha and make sure you're progressing upward and people will respect you.
The truth is that the annoying pua becomes a cool at Chad after like 6 months (unless he's stupid af). The girls just remember the annoying pua. You aren't an annoying faggots for ever, but a lot of guys need to go through that annoying phase to learn how to interact with women because society (movies n shit) has told you all the wrong things to do. You will become a Chad after 6 months of being annoying and learning how to socialise. You aren't that guy forever. It is a process we all have to go through if you were raised by a single mother and bullshit society and want to ever get the women you deserve.
lel my friend is the same as you . he has no job , neet as fuck but has GF , his pretty face saves him . meanwhile i have a job and make decent money , i have my own car , still no GF , such is life as an average looking guy
Would you recommend to approach girls in an area where you are regularly, for instance university room? Because when you do that pua regularly in that area it may become awkward when everyone knows that of you. Or rather at open places where every day are other people?
wow so many things you got wrong.
1 it's not your board and will never be your board and 2 i'm not a kid. I'm an adult that works has an apartment and a life. But hey whatever your fragile ego needs to assume to not cry after I verbally destroyed you.
and bitter faggot? kek projection at it's finest. look super simp I get it you're bitter you cant pull the pussy like you want so you had to stalk and harass hundreds of girls and you got maybe 1 or 2 sucks... oh well get over it move on.
And you assume I had no luck I just dont need to go and make up storys like you to be cool and edgy on business.
And if you wanna know a girls true nature go read some mgtow they cover it without that faggoy stalker harassment bullshit tho neither really is a good thing.
And the only stupid fuck is you who cant handle I am right and you're a super simp desperate for pussy. But sure try to assume you won on a abu dabi sand sifting forum with your hilarious and obvious lies.
and nah i'll stay and post on this board however whenever and whatever I want and some underage sissyboi tuckmaster isnt gonna change that on a board that isnt his was never his and will never be his. you super simps are adoreable with how triggered you get when told the truth about females and pua bullshit. . Run along unman you're trolling up this thread with your super simp triggered faggotry. what a sad desperate for pussy loser.
I would say do it where ever. Girls are acutally really forgiving and you being nervous can (CAN - not always is) be taken as a compliment. Depends on your level in all honesty. If you can do it and not be awkward about it then doing it in a regular place just makes you the very social guy.
With that said if you're just starting out and literally approaching girls to learn what works (aka saying stupid shit to see what works) then don't do it locally.
>Leddit spacing
double spacing has been around long before reddit was a thing you sad pathetic underage. How this become a reddit thing idk but it's a hilariously stupid meme and shows how stupid the person saying it really is. HURRR REDDIT SPACING!!
jesus fuck can you be anymore underage and stupid? Stop pushing the reddit space meme it only shows off how stupid and uneducated you are at life.
Dont bother replying you're too stupid to have an adult conversation with. kek reddit space meme kids these days
mgtow/pua are similar in they both mention the true nature of woman. But of course a super simp desperate for pussy would dismiss it when it's the same thing minus the desperate for pussy like pua.
Thanks user I know now you're not only desperate for pussy your'e also low IQ and think double spacing is a reddit thing and new and you mock mgtow while being into pua which is very similar. Low Iq super simps please kys
You high af?
Tbh idgaf if u mock pua. But your pussy ass get triggered so easily right after I just type >mgtow LMFAO. By the way calling me simp is not an "adult conversation" kid. Get back to me when u wanna get btfo some more
kek oh ok sport you sure told me i'll make sure to learn from this.
nah just pointing out that pua and mgtow are very similar and in your low iq brain you read it as some sort of endorsement or some bullshit and think that's victory.
It's ok you're just stupid and cant process anything. Also Icalled you names cuz you did that. Examples of how not to adult. Least you're low Iq brain picked up on that somehow.
ahhh well im done with you... I have more important things to do than argue with some group home retard that cant handle he's wrong about life and females. run along lil stupid the adults are making money
I can't figure out if I'm going to be able to deal with my current gf's shit forever or not.
It isn't all perfect, OP. Girls can be a big pain and modern girls maybe moreso because they have been completely confused by our clown society.
>He doesn't realize he's been mostly talking to himself
Do you have gas and Taco Bell money? Grats, you can date a 23-year-old and get your shit together in the mean time to afford crap to start a family.