
PSA, REQ: what would be the best for long-term REQ holders is to FUD REQ to keep the price as low as possible for as long as possible. Both so that the supply diminishes quicker (lower USD price = higher burn rate, more tokens are burned) and also to accumulate more for yourselves.

So, if you see any FUD on biz about REQ, just know that they hold it and they know they are going to eventually be rich because of it. They might deny this because they want you to believe their FUD, but just know that they are doing it for the benefit of REQ in the long term.

Main net in

Attached: eREQt.jpg (768x768, 174K)



>implying any of that
nothing will happen until Bitcoin doesn't dictate the market anymore

stop shilling this shitcoin

first it was the LINK shills
then the turtle coin shills
now REQ shills

holy fuck, fuck off finally. Nothing will happen at all in 2 days.

>Main net in You better be in.
Oh I am

I see you must have a lot of REQ and are FUDing it to keep price low so that tokens get burned faster, thus decreasing supply faster. Clever guy. We are gonna be fucking rich, friendo. Keep it up

>stop shilling this shitcoin
And why is it a shitcoin?
Don't worry I know you're purposely FUD in order to benefit from your big fat REQ stack, I'm just curious about how would you explain this to a normie

Fuck the price - I want mass adoption. I want to see REQ have a working product. The cash will come in buckets.

REQ literally doesn't care about bitcoin because the entire point of REQ is to make it so you can pay with any asset or fiat you want while the other party gets paid in whatever asset or fiat currency they want.

Is 50k REQ enough to make it, guys?

Absolutely. I’m sitting on 11k

okay yeah sure
it needs to get adoption for us to decouple with Bitcoin and unless they advertise like crazy or it somehow becomes a meme it's not going to do that

PwC is working with REQ to use their platform for accounting and audits.

Did you read the yellowpaper and how REQ makes triple-entry accounting a possibility? Or are you still focused on the Pay with Request button lol

JNT is also being shilled by the same people

Mainnet is already out since a few days

Because same like LINK it’s succes presumes huge industry adoption and that is pure speculation at best.

>>But what about muh PWC collaboration?

Same like LINK was collaborating with SWIFT? Yeah totally happening...

in 2 years they will probably burn close to 25k of your tokens.

Also if you truly believe in REQ, why shill it so hard? All the shilling just screams “BUY MY BAGS”.

Stop spreading this fud, it's an opt-in system that flags your wallet as preferential, and even then you're paid full market price.

so what if i have other coins in my wallet like xrp. are they get burned too? i should have control over my wallet and right too choose which coin to burn. fuck those req devs. they act like they own me and my wallet

thanks just sold 50k

These FUDsters have to be trolls. How the fuck can they be this stupid? If REQ is too hard for you to understand, just stay away and stay poor retard

Attached: fuckingretard.png (645x729, 77K)

desu idk if they burn your other coins, I would think not

probably should read the whitepaper lol

I FUD REQ every damn day here and don't own a single token. You are all going to lose your asses. You will miss a chance to x10 because you're greedy fucks. Worse than LINKies.

I agree with you. FUDing req short term will benefit the people that actually do their own research in the long term.

Let's keep stupid money out, let's bring on the FUD.

that burning shit must create some combustion in wallet and if not burn than certainly damage other coins in the wallet. req engineers never thought about that. fuck this shitcoin

The Pajeet tier spelling should be a dead giveaway
Even 'too' is misspelt

Attached: 1515327026946.jpg (800x772, 346K)

lmao do you even know how blockchain works? i mean i dont but that does not sound right

Mainnet has be postponed, they accidentally burned a bunch of eth instead of req.