Anyone else having trouble with the login on binance? I'm not receiving the SMS, this is freaking me out a bit...

Anyone else having trouble with the login on binance? I'm not receiving the SMS, this is freaking me out a bit, please don't troll me lads.

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I can't get in. Must be a bug.

I can't log in either.

binance is saying my 2fa is

uhh wtf it says my account doesn't exist? WTF I WAS JUST LOGGED IN AN HOUR AGO

You should be using Google Authenticator instead of SMS

Welp... looks like we've arrived at this point again.
Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it.
You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat.
All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank?
Those are scams, the deposit never goes through.
All those people saying it isn't a scam?
They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

pls sir send me email and password sir i help sir.


wait really?

hour cant possible get any better plz be real bianca hack

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Confirmed. I can't sell.

Binance won't wire me my 38 000 rupees.

No that guy but according to JPMorgan $6b has been spend on crypto by crypto enthusiasts. Assuming the majority has been pocketed by exchanges and scammers, there's probably a couple of billion of liquid cash floating around the market that could actually be withdrawn. This is compared to the hundreds of billions of supposed 'market caps'


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Confirmed as well, did anyone get the email about account freezes?

fyi, don't log out if you are already in now

i had this problem, contact support they will fix it and then change to google authenticator

the rest is trolling you

How do I even contact them? I tried submitting a request but it's asking for my login anyways,

OK OK I found something, nevermind and thanks.

Bois. You can indeed cash out.
If you have nothing better to say just don't say anything at all mate.
There literally are ATMs on the street where I live I can withdraw upto 10k cash for crypto with no ID

Sorry your in the land o da free ya stupid burger.

It's true. It's been now 10 years and 4 month that my 10k withdrawal is pending on bitstamp.

The support is sorry for the delay, but nothing moves.